This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
ARE YOU A WORRY WART? Are you a worry wart? If so, you are in deep trouble. Worrying leads to so many diseases like hypertension, ulcer, obesity, anorexia nervosa, sleeplessness, tension reactions, restlessness, loss of appetite, neuralgia, and so many other diseases. It attacks the brain and nerve functions of the body. Excessive worrying can also lead to severe nervous breakdown and weakening of the immune system. At the back of worrying is the fear and dread of something awful that is forthcoming. It is like the proverbial sword of Damocles hanging in the air over our heads.
The antidote to worrying is complete trust in God and in His inherent goodness. Those whose trust in God is intact and solid never worry because they believe in His promise that He will never leave them nor forsake them. Even in the direst situations, when everything seems impossible and we feel the whole weight of the world crushing down upon us, we just have to surrender all our cares and troubles to the Lord and He will lead us to the way of deliverance we never imagined before. Have we not overcome all the severest trials in the past when we put our trust in Him? Surely, He will do it again and give us the peace of mind we so long for. Those whose hearts do not rest on the Lord have only themselves to blame if worrying becomes their normal fare. As it is, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD.
Tags: Worry Wart, Nervousness, Anxiety, Dread, Hypertension, Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa, Sleeplessness, All Things Are Possible With God
VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH Have you been through the valley of the shadow of death? If so, what was your experience there? I have been through that valley so many times before that I lost count of them. My first experience there was when I was a little child barely six years old. I was pulling a toy cart at the backyard of my grandma in a faraway province where my mother was born. I never saw that old well since I was pulling my toy cart and was walking backwards. The next thing I knew was that I was falling inside that old scary well. It was an eerie experience as though I was transported to another world. All that I could remember was that scenes from my life flashed through the screen of my mind. I was lucky that it was summer during that time and the water level of the well was only chest deep. I became an instant celebrity in that quaint town when I was pulled out to safety still clutching my rubber slippers.
My next near death experiences occurred when I was already an adult. I have been with hypertension for more than twenty years now. I am also suffering from type 2 diabetes. I have congenital scoliosis (bone deformity) on my lower back. I also have acute hernia and prostate gland problem and an enlarge thyroid gland. I have been on the verge of near strokes so many times that I lost count of them. There were times when I thought death was already imminent. I had all the classic symptoms of full blown strokes except the actual stroke itself. Through all those near death experiences, I never panicked but I just relaxed and left my fate to my faithful God. I was never afraid to die because I knew I would be with Him when I do. For more than twenty years now, He has kept me alive to bear witness to His faithfulness to those who really trust and believe in Him. MAY HIS NAME BE GLORIFIED FOREVERMORE.
Tags: Near Death Experiences, Valley of The Shadow of Death, God's Grace and Faithfulness, Trust in His Unfailing Love
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)