This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
Dreams have a reality all their own. To the person who indulges in its escapist world, it is as real as you and me. Do you remember the time when as a kid, we used to have our own imaginary friends? Or how about the castles in the air we escaped to when things were bleak in our real world?
I remember when I was a child and I dreamed of my own world of make believe. My favorite spot was our window upstairs. I would pretend that it was an airplane and I was a pilot that flew it wherever I wanted it to go. I would simulate so many dogfights and bomb runs on the territories of the enemy.
Sometimes, I would pick up cottons from inside our dilapidated living room sofa and blow them outside our window. Then I would pretend that they formed into the big shapely clouds that adorned our skies.
Even when I was already a young teen, I would still indulge in my make believe world. It was a world of idyllic beauty, with a breath taking lake and a garden full of gorgeous flowers and luscious fruit bearing trees. Oh, I was always lost in the enchanting beauty and grandeur of that escapist world with the lady of my dreams. Food was no problem for us for the lake was full of fishes jumping in the air. And we have our own menagerie of farm animals to provide us meat. We planted our own colorful vegetables in our garden patch.
The girl of my dreams was so beautiful, perfect in every way. I made so many poems and love letters to her. But alas, all dreams have their endings. I was brought back to the harsh realities of life. I have to go on with my schooling and later on, with my work. But my enchanted world was so good and real while it lasted.
There is now a feeling of widespread despair and discontent in the world. Somehow, things are not the same. Extremes prevail. It's either too hot or too cold. Even in the temperaments of people, extremes are evident. People have either gone too evil or too righteous. People are bewildered. They could not ascertain their true feelings. Somehow, they feel a hollowness deep inside, a sort of a personal discontent. What's happening to the world?
We are now witnessing the onset of the PreTribulation period of the world. No! This is not yet the Tribulation proper. The Tribulation proper will usher in so much suffering and pain that people will wish they were dead instead of living a hellish existence. Just like in the days of Noah before the deluge, people were enjoying themselves and giving themselves wholly to sinful living.
God is shaking the world to see who are His and who are of this world. There will be no fence sitters nor neutral watchers. Either you are for God or you are with the evil one. People are now afforded their last chance to turn a new leaf on their lives. The message of Calvary rings loud and clear for the whole world to hear. Will you accept the offer of salvation or will you be condemned together with the enemies of the cross?
The grace of salvation and eternal life are offered to us to accept or reject. Those who will not accept it will be condemned together with the lord of this world and his cohorts. The choice is ours. If the situation now is too heavy and burdensome, think of what will happen when the Tribulation proper comes. We can only weep until all tears are gone.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)