We have bestsellers now and then. There are classics, thrillers, mysteries, inspirational, fantasies, science fiction, book of world records, self help books, all kinds of books that became best sellers one time or another. But after some time, they fade away and are forgotten. The greatest book and bestseller of all time is the Bible containing God's words. They were written by more than 40 authors, written in the span of more than 1,600 years. They are an amalgam of individual books compiled together in a single masterpiece. It has been translated into all languages and dialects all over the world. It survived the ravages of time and the assault of the enemies of God. It has words of truth written all over it. And although written by different authors who do not always know each other, their prophecies were fulfilled in subsequent books with uncanny accuracies. Almost all the prophecies written in the Old Testament were fulfilled in the times of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The only prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled are the prophecies concerning the end times or the second coming of Christ. Even with the presence of inconsistencies and doublets in the Old Testament, testament to the different authorship and revisions by different editors, the Bible remains steadfast and true, testament to the infallible influence and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And God's words are very powerful and effective tools in our walk through life with all the trials and temptations surrounding man. They never change or fade away because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, Word of God, Inerrancy of the Bible, More Than 40 Authors, Written in The Span of Over 1,600 Years, Withstood The Test Of Time, Translated Into All Languages and Dialects Around The World, Accurate Fulfillment of Prophecies, Lamp Unto Our Feet, Light Unto Our Paths, Inspired By The Holy Spirit, Canon, Canonical, Apocryphal, DeuteroCanonical, Old Testament, New Testament, 66 Books, End Times, Second Coming of Christ, Salvation, Grace, Eternal Life
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla