![The image “http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b400/marr_noush/greeneye.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.](http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b400/marr_noush/greeneye.jpg)
Happy Birthday Ms. Noushy Shah- the gracious and charming lady of World United Bloggers. May God fulfill every secret desires of your heart. May He give you good health and long life, free from any pain or sickness. May He shower you with all the blessings of love, joy, peace, happiness, success and prosperity throughout your life.
Here's a toast to the wonderful and lovely lady of World United Bloggers on your birthday. CHEERS!
Disneyland- Believe in Holiday Magic
Happy New Year to everyone. May the new year bring us our long cherished dreams of love, joy, peace, harmony and prosperity in all the earth.
May there be a genuine transformation in our lives as we pursue a life of sharing and giving to our fellowmen.
May our eyes be opened to the eternal verities of life that emphasize godliness
as against worldliness and the vainglorious pursuit of extreme self interest to the detriment of others.
May we see the extreme sufferings of others who never experience even the most basic things in life and may we learn to share and give part of us to them rather than wallow and consume ourselves to death from all the abundance of worldly pleasures and profligate living.
May we stop hating and loathing each other just because we are different one from the other.
May we learn to respect the beliefs of others and give them their proper space to pursue their own dreams and aspirations without any fear of ridicule and persecutions.
May we all learn that we were not all equally created by God to be similar one from the other, but all of us have individual differences. As we pursue our individual goals in life, may we learn to respect the rights of others to their own goals and pursuits in life.
May we learn to love and be compassionate with others especially those who are less fortunate and those born with physical disabilities. May we be thankful that it is not us who must suffer a lifetime of abuse, persecutions and disdain from a world so full of hatred for those who have been born physically and mentally different.
May we learn not to judge others as we will come under judgment ourselves when we meet our Creator at the end of our earthly sojourn in life.
May we discover the joy of serving others and giving ourselves in servitude to our fellowmen as we share in the burden of existence of our less fortunate and long lost brethren.
May we see the true purpose of our lives and strive for the salvation of our souls and those of other souls so that "none should perish."
Noushy I dont know you but happy birthday
and mel happy new year to you - can you imaging you are already enjoying the new year and I am still waiting in anticipation
this blog world is an amazing space where time is no essence - life should probably be like that not categorized in time :)
HI Kuya Mel
Happy New Yr. More blessings from the Lord for this yr! God bless
Hi Ceedy,
Noushy is the vice chief of World United Bloggers, a mega blog of more than 100 contributors from all over the world dedicated to the propagation of world peace and unity. You are invited to join this prestigious super blog. Just click the WUB logo in my blog to access it. You can contact either Sharm- the chief or Noushy- the vice chief for your application. There are many Indian contributors in this mega blog- Jim, Sameera, Joy, etc. just to name a few. Thanks for your usual generous comments. Yes, we are one full day ahead in our country and this region than the rest of the world. Funny isn't it? Happy New Year again my friend and thanks for your usual visits to my blog and your generous comments. God bless and have a warm and cozy day in the US.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for your visit and for your inspiring comments, my kid sister in Christ. Congratulations for coming up with your new Christian blog. I have not seen it yet but I will visit it very soon. Happy New Year again to you and your family, especially your cute and cuddly son-Caleb. Take good care of him, he has the making of a great dancer someday. He, he, he, *lol* Happy New Year again and God bless. Have a pleasant and peaceful day in the US. MANIGONG BAGONG TAON SA INYONG LAHAT.
HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU KUYA MEL AND TO YOUR WHOLE FAMILY! Wish you happiness,luck and good health for the year 2008!!!
Happy New Year to you my dear friend.May God Bless you and your lovely family always.Yes I am still in my country for another few days.
Have a wonderful year ahead.May you be in the pink of health and bliss of mind with every passing moment.TC.
even though i said happy birthday on Noushy's blog, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOUSHY!!!
Hi Byotipol aka Texas Sweetie,
Happy New Year my dear friend, to you and your family. Take good care of yourself always because your delivery of baby Jadyn is fast approaching. May the Lord take care of both of you and may His tender and loving hands be with you always in your moment of delivery. May you have a safe, painless and normal delivery and may both you and baby Jadyn be safe and sound. May the Lord send His ministering angels to minister to your needs come delivery day. May this New Year bring you all the blessings and graces from the Lord. God bless you and your loving husband. MANIGONG BAGONG TAON SA INYONG LAHAT.
Hi Sameera,
How's my dear friend doing in India? Don't overindulge yourself in the food you craved for so much. He, he, he, in Noshy's words, "don't pig out." He, he, he, *lol* You know how it is when we are back in our comfort zone and we are so relaxed, we tend to overindulge in our favorite food. You know how hard it is to exercise and get back to our fit and trim self, ready to go back to the "salt mines" and work grind, he, he, he. Anyway, I am missing your masterpieces short stories. But take your time and relax there. It's not everyday that you can go back to your beloved country to relax and recharge both you physical and spiritual batteries. I was wondering why you are no longer posting at WUB. You know, it has a worldwide audience and can send your message across to a wider readership. You can post simultaneously with WUB and your own blog so that you can have access on both venues. I was just wondering. Anyway, Happy New Year again and enjoy your much needed and deserved vacation in your beloved India. By the grace of God, I wold want to one day visit your exotic and wonderful country. God bless and have a wonderful and relaxing vacation in India.
Hi Heiresschild,
I always savor your precious visits to my blog my dear sister in Christ. Thank you so much for your usual visits and inspiring comments that never fail to lift up my spirits. Have a wonderful New Year too in the US. I hope this year will bring you more revelations and fresh ministries from the Lord. My warmest greetings go forth to you and your whole family as I pray for God's utmost blessings and graces for you all. Smile always. Have the most wonderful and peaceful day in the US.
Hi Mel,
what a wonderful reminder about our great friend Noushy!
Happy Birthday and happy every day to Noushy!
Soo true!
Blessing be your work!
Happy New Year Mel!
Happy New Year, Bro.Mel.
Wishing you and your family a blessed year ahead! Take care!
Wishing you and your family a healthy and blessed New Year.
Thank you so much for that lovely entry and and the good wishes to me and others,all I could say is may this New Year bring you all the blessings and graces from the Lord. God bless you and your family always!
Thanks again Mel and others,I appreciate it and may this new year brings happiness, joy, success and be blessed.
Happy new year Mel and all the visitors/readers of this blog.
Love and peace.
I am doing well my friend and I hope you are too.As for sweets,that would be any day anywhere for me,cause I have this major sweet tooth!But as you rightly put it,feels great to be "recharging my spiritual batteries" :)
As for WUB,I will most probably do it from next time onwards.In my latest post,I did not add your name to the inspiring blog awardee list because your words of encouragement and writing go beyond measure of any award and also cause you do not do awards as such.
Take care.God Bless You always.
Hi Krystyna,
Thanks for your visit and for your warm greetings to me and to our mutual friend, Noushy. I can only say Amen to your statement. Indeed, nothing in the whole wide world is more valuable than man's soul. That's why the Lord wanted that "none should perish." But alas, man has so many mundane agenda in his life, and his soul is not in his priority list. That's a very sad and disheartening thing indeed. Well, we can always pray. No force in the universe can force us to stop praying. And it's free. He, he, he, *lol* Thanks again my friend and comrade in arms for the Lord. God bless and have a wonderful day in the US and your native Poland.
Hi Keshi,
Happy New Year too. I'm sorry if I have not been able to visit you as often as I want. My turn at our PC is very limited since my kids are on a holiday vacation. They use the PC almost the whole day and I'm left to use it in the wee hours of the morning when they're already fast asleep. You see, I have the last priority in everything in our household except of course in matters of discipline and spirituality. I'm always left with the morsels after they have gorge themselves with the icings and the cake. Well, that's the way with being a parent. He, he, he, *lol*
Thanks for the honor of your visit. I have so much respect and admiration for you. God bless and have a wonderful day in Australia and your beloved India.
Hi sis Emmyrose,
Happy New Year too. I hope you had a grand New Year celebration with your friends and loved ones. I hope that this year will bring you the realization of all your hopes and dreams in life. God bless and have a nice and pleasant day always.
Hi Dr. Deb,
I'm glad you're back now in circulation after your holiday break in blogging. I always look forward to your wonderful posts so full of wisdom and practical application. Happy New Year too and may this year bring you the best in everything. God bless and have the most wonderful time in the US.
Hi Noushy,
You deserve all the accolades and wishes my wonderful friend. You have been so nice and sweet to all of us at World United Bloggers and we owe you so much. The success of that mega blog could not have been accomplished if not for the hard work and dedication of the officers especially you. And you have been a source of strength and inspiration to me especially in the most troubled periods of my life. You commiserated with me in my pains and rejoiced with me in my triumph over them. And what can I say for all these but thank you my dearest friend and fellow blogger. You will be forever etched in my heart and mind as a true sweet friend who stood by me through thick and thin.
Thanks for your friendship as I wish you all the best things in life. God bless and enjoy and savor the best of the outpouring of the wishes and prayers from your relatives and friends. Indeed, you are one in a million my friend.
Hi Sameera,
I'm glad you are enjoying your vacation in India and in the midst of all your frenetic activities there, you still find valuable time to visit and make a comment in my blog. I really appreciate that my wonderful friend. Don't worry, I don't mind that you did not include me in your awards. As I said before, I don't do awards. Your inspiring and heartfelt comments are more than enough award for me to lift up my spirit always. I reserve all awards, praises and thanks to God, for His glory alone. That's another reason I don't accept awards. They might puff up my mind and that was my weakness before. I used to have a bloated ego until the Lord taught me true humility. Enjoy your precious vacation my friend and as you resume your posting, be rest assured that I will always be there for you to savor your masterpieces, especially your short stories. Mark my word my friend, someday the whole world will appreciate those same short story masterpieces as I fortunately do now. At least they're still free. He, he, he *lol* Next time, I might be buying already an expensive paperback online. So I might as well enjoy your masterpieces as long as they're still free. Happy New Year again my wonderful friend. God bless and have the best and most exotic time in India. Remember, as Noushy says, don't pig out. He, he, he *lol*
Happy New Year! More blessings to you!
Wishing U a GREAT 2008, Mel! love the new look!
And I hope Noushy had a wonderful b'day!
Hi Tony and Annie,
Happy New Year too. I also wish you all the blessings from the Lord this year 2008. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the warm greetings. God bless and have the most wonderful days always.
Hi Carol aka Beachgirl,
Thanks for your warm greetings. Happy New Year too and may you enjoy the very best this year 2008. God bless you and your family with being ever closer with one another. Have a nice and wonderful day in the US.
Hi CapCity,
Thanks for your warm greetings. Happy New Year too. May you enjoy the best of the year 2008. God bless you and your family with God's wonderful surprises for you this momentous year. Have a wonderful and pleasant day in the US always.
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