Born in Australia from a Pastor father and a Christian mother on December 4, 1982. He was born without legs and arms and yet he lived to give glory to God by his indomitable spirit. Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker and the director for Life Without Limbs, an organization that is for the physically disabled.
God does not look at man's ability (for He enables those who are willing), He looks at man's availability. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Let us pray that the Lord of harvest will send more workers to the fields.
See this video and marvel at God's glory manifested in this person's life.
Tags: God is Good, Glory of God, Jesus Christ, God's Sovereignty, Nick Vujicic, Life Without Limbs
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
What a powerful story and an inspiration to everyone...thanks for sharing..Mary
Hi Mary,
Yes, the first time I saw this video I cried. I could not believe my eyes. Inspite of his woeful conditions, he still give praise and glory to God. Bless his soul. Thanks for appreciating the post and video. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Oh my...that's a very powerful, thought-provoking, very inspiring story....i am simply humbled.
thank you for sharing bro. mel.
God bless you and your loved one always.
such stories make me feel more blessed. it inspires me to do and become better. hope this reaches the people who question God for transitory challenges they think they can't endure. like look at them, they are grateful and glorify God despite such condition. makes me think... they are even more complete than I am. thanks for this post brother Mel.
He is truly an inspiring person.I have seen quite a few articles about him lately.Bless his spirit!
Take care my friend.God Bless You and your loved ones always.
Thank God you are ok from the typhoon Mel! You had me worried :)
i forgot what his name was. thanks for reminding me. yeah, i saw him once on TV. i was blown away and was so inspired. i said to myself look at this man and look at how God used him for His glory. wow! amazing!
Hi Fingertalks,
Yes, he is really awe inspiring. The first time I saw the video, I cried because of his indomitable spirit. It is really a humbling experience to see his testimony. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones my friend.
Hi Samar Bloggirl,
Yes, whenever we see his video, we are left with a feeling of humility that we have everything compared to him and yet he does not question God for his condition in life. It makes us think about God's sovereignty over His creation. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Sameera,
Thanks for appreciating this post about this inspiring person. Truly, he is a person worthy of emulation. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear friend.
Hi Jlee,
Thank you so much for your concern. I really appreciate that. By the grace of God, we were spared of any damage to properties or injuries. Thanks for your visit and concern. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi sis Pia,
He is Nick Vujicic a director of Life Without Limbs. He is powerfully witnessing for the Lord. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear friend.
he is a true inspiration. I truly admire him. Thanks for sharing Mel
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Oh I've seen this video before, I think Steven showed it to me. Isn't he amazing?! Such an inspiration. :)
Hi Tey,
Yes, he is indeed a true inspiration for everyone. When we indulge in self pity, we just have to see his video and we will feel blessed. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.
Hi Steven and Aisha,
Thanks for your visit and comments. This video surely is an inspiration for all people. God bless you both.
Very brave man.
Thank you Mel.
God bless you!
Hi Krystyna,
Thank you so much for your visit and comments. God bless you always my friend.
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