There are so many voices that compete for our attention. Which voice we will heed will determine the path that we will take on our journey through life. The earliest voices that we heard were those of our parents. Theirs were the voices that nurtured us in our formative years. Then, there were voices of tiny angels like us who dreamed and wondered with us when we were groping for answers for the unending questions of life. We have encountered the different voices of our teachers and mentors as they instilled in us the disciplines and idealism that helped shaped our formative years. Yes, theirs were the voices of our heroes of the past, the ones we placed in our pedestals. Then, there were the cacophonous voices that proliferated our world when we competed with other wannabes as we climbed the stairway of the corporate world. Those were the voices of intense rivalries, of backstabbing and rumor mongering, of idle talks and gossips, of dressing downs and praises for jobs well done. There were even sinister voices that led us astray, who promised pleasures galore, but led us to the decadence of our souls.
But there is one particular voice that we must heed and take to heart. That is the still small voice that whispers so softly in the stillness of the night when everything is so quiet. We can only hear it when we are at peace with ourselves and not agitated. It is the voice of God coursed through our consciences. Continuous disregard of that small soft voice will result in the hardening of our hearts and losing the ability to hear that still small voice. Which voice we follow will determine our destiny for eternity. SHALL WE HEARKEN TO LISTEN TO THAT STILL SMALL VOICE?
Tags: God. Jesus Christ, Conscience, Still Small Voice, Voices
Posted byMel Avila Alarilla
Very true.
I call it intuition.
Beautiful post Mel.Yes,we should always listen to the voice of our conscience after filtering the unruly voices with the sieve of our mind.No matter what others say or do,the conscience always speaks the right thing.It is a different matter as to whether we follow it all the time,but at least we could listen.And great are those who act in accordance with their conscience always.
Thanks for the wise post my friend.Take care.May God Bless You and your loved ones always.
wow Mel, where do you get this ideas to post? Bilib ako sa iyo. Very nice..
Those voices is simply our conscience I believe. and if we were brought up the right way, we can easily see the right path or which voices should we listen to. Have a wonderful day Mel.
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Hi Hobo,
Yes, you are right. Others call it conscience. But whatever it is, it comes from God. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Sameera,
Your comments are one of my inspirations to do my posts. Writing inspirational and motivational articles became a ministry to me. So many people has asked for my prayers and counseling and God has never failed to give me the necessary inspirations to write posts that would uplift and motivate people. Your friendship means a lot to me. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Ester,
Comments such as yours motivate me to do inspirational articles. We all have our individual niches in the blog world. I see mine as a blog that inspire and motivate people. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my friend.
Came across you website from a friends, would like to exchange links with you. I like your pics in you site
Ask Ms Recipe
Hi there thanks for your visit
Chronic CHick Talk
I look forward to your Christian messaged. I've lost my way a bit.
you should consider a Christian devotional book to publish Mel.
do you make money off these adds and do you get to choose?
Hi Ask Ms Recipe,
I would be glad to exchange links with you. But I am linking you with my Points of View and Keep It Short and Simple blogs. My blogroll here is too crowded already. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Chronic Chick,
Thanks also for your visit and comments here. I am always praying for you together with Shiela, Emmyrose, Pia and Shielalu. God bless you always.
Hi Seaspray,
Thank you so much my friend. Be glad to be of any assistance to a Christian sister. No, I'm not contemplating to write a Christian book, not unless the Lord tells me to do so. No, I'm not earning anything from my ads and I don't get to choose my advertising materials. Whenever I delete any offensive ad, they just place it back. I'm not complaining though since the Lord provides for all our needs through my wife working in the States and my eldest son working in a call center here. I learn to obey the Lord in His own perfect time. You are already included in my prayer journal. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my friend.
Beautiful post, Mel! And so inspirational too! I believe we should always listen to the voice within ourselves, thats the one that will never lead us the wrong way.
Hi Lena,
Thanks for the compliment but, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Yes, it is very important to listen to the right voices, otherwise we would plunge to destruction and sufferings. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
hellO! angels have something to say at http://walkingnewspaper.blogspot.com/2008/08/what-angel-says.html take care... good day!be back here soon!
Hi Gagay,
So nice to hear from you again my young friend. Yes, I will go over to your blog to hear what the angels are saying. Thanks for the visit and comments. God bless you always my young friend.
actually my prayer is to be able to hear God's voice :)
Hi Tintin,
Seldom do we actually hear God's audible voice. It is the Holy Spirit who communicate with us through divine inspiration or through the words in the Bible. This is done through quiet time when we commune with God through prayers and the word of God. Please ask any Christian friend for the details about quiet time. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
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