Are you facing a mountain of problems right now and you feel so helpless and alone? Are you traveling in your own desert of trials right now, thirsty and forlorn for your long sought after deliverance and the advent of your own promise land? Is your back against the wall and you feel that the whole weight of the world is crumbling down upon you and you have nowhere else to go? Are you so sick that you could almost smell the scent of death lingering around your bed and you feel that there is no longer any hope nor remedy for your illness? If you are in these kinds of situations right now, cast off your long faces and rejoice for your deliverance is at hand.
Yes, you have now felt the full power of God bearing down upon you. He permitted these things to happen so that you will humble yourself before Him and finally acknowledge that you are totally helpless and that apart from God you can do nothing. Remember, these situations were a result of your own making, when you casted out God from your life in your mad quest to be your own "captain of your ship and master of your soul." They were caused by excessive pride and self glorification and the total disregard of God in your life. It is a good thing that God has given you a last chance to turn a new leaf on life and retrace your steps back to His loving arms once more. Let us surrender our lives to God and cast all our burdens to Him for He cares for us. Let us trust God that He will deliver us from all our predicaments and trials in life. Did He not promise, "Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33) All things are possible with God to him who believes and trust in his unfailing love. So next time that you are confronted with a mountain of problems so high, just go ahead and climb it, for the Spirit of the Lord is with you and you will surely succeed. GO AHEAD AND CLIMB EVERY MOUNTAIN.
Tags: Climb Every Mountain, God, Mountains of Problems, Back Against The Wall, Trials, Desert Experience, Promise Land, Deliverance, Kingdom of God
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
nice thoughts...
"The Alchemist"...
Hi Sambit,
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
so many times i've been on this road. right now i still feel like i'm alone and that this leads to nowhere... but i'm aware now that this is the work of the enemy. he's trying his best to deceive me into thinking "woe to me". the thing is, i can't trust my feelings because i can feel the worst ever but that is not what God says about my circumstance. He assured me that everything is under control. i can't see the answers to my prayers yet with my eyes that's why my my feelings go haywire sometimes but i need to rest in Him knowing that He is in control. that way my feelings settle.
we shouldn't undermine how the enemy works because he could be tricky sometimes. but that's just how he does things - tricky. if we bring our guards down, we'll surely be tricked.
i have to make an effort to look straight on Jesus and not on the things i see. am i alone in this journey? you and i know that i'm not. but the "feelings" say otherwise. it's a constant battle.
thank you for this, bro. while i was writing down my comment, i was being reassured by Him who holds my future. God bless you and your family, bro. =)
Great blog entry and awesome pictures! Thanks for writing!
Check out my blog if you get time:
Thank you! This is such a great encouragement. I really agree on just going to God and spend time with Him in prayer. He is the only one who can help us through and who will give us the strength to go through the trials in life.
Very nice post Mel.Troubles keep us humble and sorrow keeps us human.
Thanks for the motivating post my dear friend.Take care.God Bless You and your loved ones always.
Hi sis Pia,
How right you are. The enemy is not only tricky but he is also the father of all lies. The Lord allows you to be in this situation so that you will not hold on to earthly things but to Him alone. As the song goes, "in Christ alone, I place my trust and find my glory in the power of the cross. In every victory, let it be said of me. My source of strength, my source of hope is Christ alone." The Lord is preparing you for higher service in His kingdom. Probably you can also read the "signs of the times." "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray that the Lord of harvest will send more workers to the field." Hold on my dear sister and friend. Times of refreshing will soon come into your life. Just trust Him and His promises. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear sister and friend.
Hi Charlie, Amp and Brandi,
Thanks for the compliments but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit and wonderful comments. God bless you all always.
Hi The Holleys,
I'm sure glad that Aisha is now in the US. Thanks for your compliments but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. He is the only one who can really help us in these perilous times. We can always hold on to His great promises. Thanks for the visit and comments. God bless you both always.
Hi Sameera,
How right you are. We must always remember who we really are. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
I really think it's not God giving us the burden when we want to get something in life but only ourselves. God gave us the world and should be thankful for that but instead, we want more and more and more which is giving us the burden of life. Thanks for the post my friend
Ester's Raptured Dreams Ester's Celebrity Blog Array Of Hopes
Hi Tey,
God is molding our character the moment we accept Christ as Lord and savior. In molding us, He uses trials to make us more pliable and to develop the right character that He needed in us. After His work is done in us, then we are transformed to the likeness of His beloved Son to live in order to please God and give glory to His name. But the process is painful and full of sorrows. Thanks for the visit and comments. God bless you always my friend.
i climb the mountain and being inspired with this bible verse But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
I love the post.
Motivational one.
We need such post to motive ourselves as well as friends.
Cheers !
The Bible says that all things -
not just the good things in life,
but all things-
will work together for our good.
(Romans 8:28)
God bless you Mel
and God bless your beautiful work!
hi mel, hahha about the tag, it's not you I am referring to on my post coz I know the content of your blog. I have sites that I dont do tags too, so I understand.. Keep sharing your spiritual thoughts my friend
Ester's Embracing Health
Ester's Health Blog
Concealed Mind
Brief Sentiments
Hi Darlyn,
You made such a wonderful Bible verse
quotation, one of my favorites. It gives us hope whatever situation we are in because we know that at the top of the summit, after a hazardous climb, is our Lord and savior to welcome us to His everlasting kingdom. Thanks for the visit and your inspired comments. God bless you always my young friend.
Hi Hobo,
Thanks for the compliment but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, I love that Bible quotation. It gives us hope that whatever happens in our lives, God will turn it into something good for us. That I hold on to till the day I will die. Thanks for your visit and words of inspiration. You have my highest respect and esteem my dear friend. God bless you always.
Hi Tey,
I just want to explain why I don't usually do tags. They are so out of context with most of my blogs. Thank you so much my friend for your great understanding. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
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