How do we look at our lives? Do we look at it as one straight line to nothingness, or do we fill it with purposeful living? Have we brought sunshine to the lives of others? Have we put smiles on the faces of those we met? Have we become an instrument of God in bringing peace and harmony to our surroundings? Have we filled the world with love every day of our lives?
The Bible tells us to number our days so that we can be aware that life is but a transient experience. It is not the end all and be all of our existence. One day we are alive and healthy, and the next day we may be gone. Numbering our days makes us also aware of our total dependence on God for everything. Hence, we are grateful for each day, each hour, each minute and each second that we are alive. When we awake each morning, we thank God for another day of life to serve Him and please Him in everything that we do. We join with the whole of creation in giving Him praise and worship because of His glory and greatness. Look at the birds. They never fail to sing and glorify God every morning. The wind, the blades of grasses, the bubbling brook, the majestic mountains, the clear sky and the dawning of the sun- they never fail to give glory to God each day since time immemorial. And so we breathe the fresh air in our lungs and savor God's all encompassing glory and splendor in the morning.
Like dew that refreshes all plants, God gives us His tender mercy and love as we awake each morning. And so we learn to number our days to spend them to please Him and give glory to His name.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Number Our Days, Glory of God, Whole of Creation
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Each new day offers me fresh opportunities to learn and to grow. I am learning to know myself and my place in the world more clearly and to discern my oneness with Spirit and all of creation more deeply.
in the morning let me hear about
your faithfuul love,
because I've put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should live,
because I pray to you.
save me from my enemies,
because I go to you for safety.
Teach me to do what you want,
because you are my God.
May your good Spirit
led me on a level path".
May God bless you and protect you and your dear family!
Psalm 143:8-10
That was a fantastic prayer contained in that Psalm. Surely, our God is our protection and help in times of need. I pray that you are doing well my friend inspite of the economic meltdown worldwide. I pray that your grandchild will get well soon. Thank you my dear friend for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Why God created Universe ?
i will start to number my days with the Lord... sometime i am in my hot and cold situation as a Christian, but i am praying now that the Lord will restore the joy of my salvation.
thanks for this inspirational post
God Bless to both of us :D
Hi Hobo,
Frankly, I don't know. Probably you can answer that. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Darlyn,
I am just like you being buffeted by the situations in my life. But when I heard our pastor last Sunday dwell on joy in our hearts because we are assured of eternal life with the Lord, my attitude changed. I can now accept all things that will come to my life. What matters most will be the eternal bliss when I see the Lord face to face at the end of my earthly sojourn. That's the reason why Paul can rejoice even in prison and with certain death hanging on his head. He was already focused on meeting the Lord. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my young friend.
your post just made me so guilty for not attending te mass because of our short vacation. I truly beleive on everything that this post was trying to tell me. We sometimes pay more attention on things that give us temporary happiness. I feel bad.
Ester's Raptured Dreams
Ester's Celebrity Blog
Array Of Hopes
"Numbering our days makes us also aware of our total dependence on God for everything."
this is very true =)having the awareness that we might not be with our loved ones tomorrow because anything can happen teaches us to cherish them =)
God bless you mel! =)
thnx for sharing..
izmir evden eve
Hi Tey,
Don't feel bad. My articles don't want to accuse people. They are just reminders. Anyway, God is not a stern God that will punish you for every small negligence you make. He will understand if you will make amends for He is a loving God so excited to be visited and talked to by His children. Aren't parents that way too? You can enjoy life and be at peace with God if He is in your heart. Thanks for your visit and honest comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.
Hi Wendy,
Yes, it is best to number our days so that we can better appreciate all the wonderful things that God is doing for us and our total dependence on Him for all our needs. Remember, He holds our lives at the palm of His hand and only He knows when our allotted time on earth shall come to pass. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments my friend. Please take care of yourself, your hubby and the baby in your tummy. God bless you all always.
Hi Busra,
You're welcome. Thank you too for your visit and comments. God bless.
god created universe? sure?
passing bye here Mel. I thought you have new post..lols AGAIN!!!
Ester's Raptured Dreams
Ester's Celebrity Blog
Array Of Hopes
that's very beautiful message! sometimes I wake up in the morning and things don't go the way I hoped it would be... but I never stopped nor suppressed it, I always believed it's normal so that I may have the chance to appreciate good things too:) God Bless!
Hi Sports Betting,
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Tey,
Thanks for passing by. I will probably be making a post tomorrow by the grace of God. Thanks again and God bless my friend.
Hi Shawie,
You have such a popular name just like the megastar, he,he,he *lol* I hope you are doing fine in the US and you're making the Filipinos proud there. Thanks for appreciating my post but as always TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit and meaningful comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
a very moving message, a great reminder.. you have one cool blog here.. i followed your blog already if you dont mind Sir.. ;)
God bless u and your family..
u can visit my site to @ http://kenshin0070618.blogspot.com
Hi Knshin,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your generous comments but as always, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Yes, I will visit your blog. Thanks for your visit. God bless.
i can see how great our God is in this post.
Hi The Dong,
Thank you so much. God bless you always.
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