When I was a new Christian, a Christian relative of mine warned me by welcoming me to a new world of persecutions and trials. I remembered I shuddered just by the thought of it. But her words became prophetic. After the initial bursts of miracles and blessings, my family and I underwent our desert experience. It was so heart and strength sapping during those times and the thoughts lingered in our collective minds whether God was true to His promises. I became more active in my ministries forgetting all about our personal problems by immersing myself on the deep troubles and frustrations of others. Giving solace and comfort to others, I realized that we were not so unfortunate after all. God provided for all our needs during those trying times and lifted us to a more comfortable life. I realized then that God purposely permitted His children to undergo trials of all kinds so that their characters will be molded to the pattern He wants from them. Thus the suffering servants emerge triumphant, stronger and more resilient to withstand the storms of life. I gained comfort from the promise of God that His compassions never fail. They are new every morning (Lamentations 3: 22-23). I learned to trust God with all my heart and not to rely on my own strength and intelligence (Proverbs 3: 5-6). I surrendered every thing to Him, even my life. How many times have I been led to the portals of death? I lost count already. All I can say is that, whatever happens to me I am assured of eternal life with the Lord. AND THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, God is Ever Faithful, Amazing Grace, Eternal Life, Faith, Hope, Love, Peace, Patience, Born Again, Compassion, Trust, New Every Morning, Word of God, Bible, More Than Conquerors
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
I can attest to this too Kuya Mel, based from own experiences in life. It's not that I am determined that I succeeded but it's His guidance that made me strong and led me to be a trong woman now. Thanks for sharing!
"Ask and You shall receive" I always hear this phrase from many people and I do believe that He is always there for us. We just need to do our part. Some people just wait for things to happen which should not be the case. God can provide us everything but we still have to do our part in order to fulfill it.
Hi Rose,
Yes God is faithful to all His promises. We just have to trust Him and He will lead us to our own promise land. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi John,
Yes God helps those who help themselves. We have to do our part so that God can help us. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
those are very powerful words of faith, Mel^-^ All the time we surrender ourselves to Him, the more He will purify us:))
God Bless you & your family always!
Hi Shawie,
Yes, God should be the foremost in our lives. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
I sometimes feel frustrated but everytime it happen, for some reason, something will come up to bring back my strenght.
Mell me and hubby joined the couples for christ. The first session started last saturday. It was wonderful
Concealed MindAll Natural Cosmetics 4u Health Blog
Hi Tey,
Joining Couples For Christ with your hubby was the best move you ever made in your life. It will strengthen and bond your relationship because you put God at the center of your relationship. You will find out later that both of you will always be in step in your walk with the Lord. Congratulations on a new milestone in your life. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
that's for sure mel.
god is always faithful to his promises.
his whole Book is full of these promises, more than enough for each day for a whole year and then some!
and as you have gone through these trials, mel, you are more equipped to be helping others who will be going through the same trials.
trust me though mel, those trials will never stop ....not until the lord like you mentioned comes to fetch his bride away!
god's blessings to you..love terry
Hi Terry,
I know what you mean. I learned to trust God to resolve all my problems and I no longer worry about them. God always makes a way even when there seems to be no way. I try always to focus on God's faithfulness for He never lies and is ever dependable. Thanks for your visit and very inspired comments. I really appreciate them. God bless you always.
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