If you are out in the open seas at night, you will not be able to see anything except what the light of your boat cast upon. This is very dangerous especially if you are near
an island or an atoll since the shallow reefs can puncture your boat and you will sink. But one solitary harbor light gives light and illuminates the surrounding area of an island giving warning and directions to voyagers. That is also true in the spiritual world. Amidst the pervading darkness and evil in this world, one solitary soul who lives to please God and gives glory to His name is like a shining beacon of light that illuminates the darkened world and gives direction to lost souls. As the saying goes, "it is better to light a single candle than to curse the whole darkness." To a lost and darkened world where many fall down and are tripped by misleading pseudo lights and attractions, a single shining beacon of light pointing to the Gospel of salvation by Christ can save so many perishing souls. Nine out of ten people in the world comfort themselves by adhering to the established norms of morality thinking that numbers alone will assure them of approval by God. But God never looks at numbers. He looks solely at the heart to see the motives of men. And His standards never change since the day of creation to the final days of this world. Never compromise with the world. Never surrender your principles and scruples in life. It is better to be persecuted in this world for doing what is right in God's sight than be a part of the wholesale disregard of God's laws and principles by men. BE A BEACON OF LIGHT IN THE FIRMAMENT OF DARKNESS IN THIS WORLD.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Beacon of Light, Darkness, Motives, Harbor Light, Gospel of Salvation, Perishing Souls, Hope, Grace, Love, Joy, Peace, Word of God, Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
I love the photograph and message your are conveying Kuya Mel. Isn't it amazing that even on darkness we can still see? Just a proof that God always lead us to where we need to go!
There are times that God will use us to be of someones light. We should not hesitate to do so because God is with us when we do!
Hi Kuya Mel, you never cease to lighten us with your spiritual post. Thank you for spreading the goodness of Christ through your posts!
Hi Rose,
Jesus Christ is the light that comes into the world. As Christians we are also admonished by God to also be a light of the world and salt of the earth. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
Hi John,
Very well said my friend. May we always be used by God to illuminate the path of others. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Ryliej,
TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
God is the only way for us to see clearly. We are sometimes blinded by those bright things around us only to find out that it is not the right path.
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Hi Tey,
I am amazed at the wisdom of your statement. You are on the right track my friend. Your sessions with the Couples For Christ must be doing great wonders to your faith. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
hi Mel, you ever notice how light never announces "i'm on" when we turn on the light switch? likewise, when our lights are shining, we don't have to make announcements, people will see the Light in us. love this article. this dark world really needs Light. peace and blessings to your and your family. keep being a light on the blogs!
Hi Sylvia,
I like your comments. It is really very profound and inspired. Yes, the Lord admonished us to become the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
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