Of the twelve spies belonging to each clan of the Israelites sent by Moses to spy out the promise land before they proceeded to conquer it, only two- Joshua and Caleb, had faith attitude in them. The ten were overwhelmed by what they saw and gave a negative report to Moses and the Israelites. They said that the cities were heavily fortified and the people were so big that the Israelites looked like grasshoppers compared to them. These negative report swayed all the people of Israel and they were ready to stone Moses and Aaron until God intervened and put a curse on them. The Israelites wandered through the desert for forty years and all died except for Moses, Joshua and Caleb. Of the three, only Joshua and Caleb actually entered the promise land. They were rewarded by God for believing in Him and having a faith attitude. It is totally unbelievable that after all the miracles, signs and wonders shown by God to the Israelites, they still persisted in their unbelief.
That is also true of our attitude today. After receiving all the blessings and answered prayers from God in the past, we tend to doubt every time we are faced by a trial or crisis in our lives. If we continue to do that, we will have the same fate as the Israelites who all died in the wilderness before they could enter the promise land. Our attitude should be one of complete faith in the promises of God. God is God no matter what the situation may be. He is bigger than our biggest problem, than any other problem that this world can offer. We must never carry within us the doubt attitude but must always maintain a living faith attitude- one that completely trust God and His promises.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Faith Attitude, Doubt Attitude, Israel, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Caleb, Spies, Fortified Cities, Negative Report, Promise Land, Desert, Forty Years, Blessings, Answered Prayers, Trials, Crisis, God's Promises, Gospel, Word of God, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Spiritual/Word of God/Holy Bible
I say Amen to that brother Mel.. Thank you for reminding us to be strong amidst life's difficulties because we have a GOD who will always be there for US
I like this biblical story.
It is good for my morning conversation with God.
Thank God that I came here.
Thanks Mel!
You always inspire my faith
and teach me trust in God.
God bless you!
Hi Meretrisha,
Thanks for appreciating the post. It is really very important that we maintain a faith attitude so that we can overcome all our trials and temptations in life. By having a complete faith and trust in God, we allow Him to do wonders in our lives. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Krystyna,
We all need each other to strengthen one another in times of trials and weakening. As they say, no man is an island, no man stands alone." I'm glad that you find the post inspiring. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always my friend.
Love this story and I amen to that! Faith is all that matters!
Thanks for sharing this Mel! Godbless!
Hi teJan,
I love that phrase, faith is all that matters. Yes, God's promises will be in vain if we do not have a living faith to match them. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
have faith in God always...........
Praise to God...Amen!
I like this phrase:
"After receiving all the blessings and answered prayers from God in the past, we tend to doubt every time we are faced by a trial or crisis in our lives."
korek po kau kuya...agree po ako sau....:)
thanks for sharing this post!
btw, salamat po sa dalaw at comments...:)
Hi Arvin,
Thanks. I really appreciate that. Thanks for your visit. God bless you always.
Hi Dhemz,
Bilang tao, napakadali nating makalimot sa mga hindi mabilang na pagpapala at answered prayers by God to us in the past. Pag nahaharap tayo sa krisis o pagsubok ay nananaig ang ating takot at agam agam na para bang pinabayaan na tayo nang Diyos dati. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. I really appreciate that. God bless you all always. BTW, paki kiss lang ako kay Akesha. Mabilis lumaki ang dalaga mo, lol.
After receiving all the blessings and answered prayers from God in the past, we tend to doubt every time we are faced by a trial or crisis in our lives. --- ouch! i tend to be like this sometimes.
Our attitude should be one of complete faith in the promises of God. God is God no matter what the situation may be. He is bigger than our biggest problem, than any other problem that this world can offer. We must never carry within us the doubt attitude but must always maintain a living faith attitude- one that completely trust God and His promises. --- AMEN!
Hi sis Pia,
Amen to that sis. Amen to that. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always.
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