Our relation with God need not be centered on prayers and petitions alone. To have an intimate relationship with God, we have to know Him intimately. He said in Jeremiah 29:13-14, "You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all of your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord." Yes He can be found in praise and worship, in prayers and petitions and in regular reading and meditation on the word of God. We speak to God through prayers. We can unload our troubles to Him, crying our hearts out because of the burdens on our soul. And He speaks to us and answers us through the word of God in the Bible. Before we read God's words in the Bible, let us seek first the divine assistance of the Holy Spirit to give us divine wisdom to fathom His will in our lives. As we daily share our burdens, trials and emotions to Him, we can feel the intimacy growing between God and us as though we are talking to our own earthly father. For that is who God is to us. He is our heavenly Father who only wants the best for all of us. Even before we utter our prayers and petitions to Him, He is already answering our prayers by flooding our hearts with heavenly peace that soothes all the pains and frustrations that we have. Suddenly we feel in our hearts that indeed God hears our prayers and will give us everything we need in our lives. Those who trust in the Lord will never be put to shame and they will walk with the Lord in paths of righteousness leading to His kingdom.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Intimacy With God, Prayers and Petitions, Praise and Worship, Reading and Meditation on The Word of God, Burdens of Our Soul, Divine Wisdom, Gospel, Word of God, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Ireally need to get back in all this. It'sbeen a long while since I opened my prayer book. Honestly i don;t know how to use bible Sir mel, shame on me hehe but I go to church before. but now my relationship with God is my simple prayer that i say every now and then. Not the prayer that I used to. Thanks for the inspirational and reminding post.
with God in our hearts, nothing can go wrong. thanks for this post. God bless you always!
Hi Shy,
I strongly suggest that you know more of God by reading the Bible. There is no special talent to be able to read the Bible. Just pray first to the Holy Spirit that He may guide into all truths. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Hi Rossel,
Amen to that. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
bro mel, i agree. prayers really do help and God's words are indeed powerful, although i have to admit that hubby and i haven't gotten ourselves to regularly open the bible lately and that is something that we do need to work on. thanks for this post.
matagal na din kaming d nagbabasa nang bible...buti nalang at pumupunta ako dito nakakabasa ako nang mga verses...salamat po kuya!
Hi Meretrisha,
Times are really hard and the enemy is in overdrive mode trying to waylay us against doing the will of God. Only constant prayers and regular reading on the word of God can protect us against all the wiles and designs of the enemy. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Hi Dhemz,
It is a lot better to read the Bible yourself so that you will know the will of God in your life. You will experience one miracle after another if you will walk in the will of the Lord always. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
it is my habit to just suddenly pray, anytime, anywhere :)
Your post is a good reminder to me to pray and read the Bible everyday. Sometimes I just remember Him when I have a big problem. It shouldnt be like that.
Hi Tin-tin,
Yes, you can always pray anytime and anywhere. There is no fast rule in doing this. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Jellybelly,
Yes, we must pray and read the Bible everyday not only in times of trouble. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Everytime I read your post, I am learning something. I am seeking for something. I am realizinf something... Something is lucking inside me.. he is here but not completely here... Trying my best to completely feel his presense so I can have the real peace... I hope the time will come soon
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Im aware that to know God more is to read the goodnews. Just like Shy, its been awhile since the last time I opened a book about God. Honestly, we dont have bible here :( I only pray and pray.
Si Anzu nga po pala, marunong ng magdasal. Pero syempre ginagaya nya lang mga sinasabi ko but then nakakatuwa coz naging routine na namin whenever i put her to sleep :)
Thanks for this post and this blog.. nagiging positive kasi ako pag napapadaan ako dito.
thanks for this post..God is great and with us all the time..
Hi Bambie dear,
It's nice that you were able to teach Anzu how to pray. We are all works in progress and there will come a time when God will lead you to a life of prayer and reading His words in the Bible. Until then, just continue on praying. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Very well said Kuya Mel. Mnsan kasi, may mga tao na di narerecognize yung guide that God is giving them. They want God to help them but they don't want to help themselves.
Amen to this post, I always want to establish a constant and communication with God everyday but still I always failed to do my commitment. I am in need of more grace and mercy to overcome my struggle.
Hi Rose,
I agree with you. Coming from a real survivor who has faced dauntless challenges in the past, your words are full of wisdom. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Hi Yen,
Praying and reading the word of God is just like a good habit. If you do it regularly everyday, it will become second nature to you. It is just a case of being aware of God's presence in our lives. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Arvin,
Amen to that. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Tey,
You will feel the true joy and peace of mind if you will accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior and surrender your life to Him. The Bible says that by the fruit you will know the tree. A good tree produces good fruit. Try to forgive your enemy and focus more on the love of God for you and you will have that elusive peace of mind. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Opss..na bulls-eye ata ako dito :) the last time I read the bible was 4 years ago. Though I tried to justify myself that doing good deeds is good enough, yet this kind of justification is not a valid excuse not to read the bible at all.
Thanks for the read Kuya.
Hi Umma,
I know only of two things to be intimate with God- praying regularly (not with form prayers) and daily reading of the Bible. Have you ever experienced living in your house without talking to your dad? Or can you drive around the country without using a road map? But that's what we are if we don't pray to God or read His words in the Bible. We will be easy prey to the deceiver. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
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