What was the sin of Lucifer before he was cast out of heaven, and before he was thrown down to earth to become Satan? Was it not the sin of pride which caused him to rebel against God and His heavenly hosts (angels)?
Lucifer was the highest, the most intelligent and the most beautiful of God's creation. He was almost like God but was never God.
In his worship like admiration of himself and all his superlative attributes, self pride caused him to aspire to become God. He was able to win over his side, one third of the heavenly hosts and they rebelled against God and the remaining heavenly hosts.
The faithful heavenly hosts of God, led by a lowly archangel by the name of Michael, defeated Lucifer and his rebellious angels who became demons. (Lucifer ranked as the highest Seraphim, and the Seraphims are the highest rank among the hierarchy of angels in heaven. Seraphims and Cherubims are of the highest rank- the first order in the hierarchy of angels, while angels and archangels are on the third and lowest rank).
The worst enemy of man is pride. As the saying goes, "pride goes before destruction." Pride originates from a very high estimation of one's self. A proud man does not want to depend on God, but wants to stand on his own two feet alone. In fact, he rebels against God's authority over him and does not want anybody to reprove him when he does something wrong. The poetic line from the poem "Invictus" characterized him most. "I am the captain of my ship, I am the master of my soul."
This is in direct contrast to God's admonition to man when He declared, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)
We can see the example of king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in the Book of Daniel. Seeing the splendor and grandeur of his mighty kingdom, he praised himself and attributed all of those to his own glory. He was not yet finished declaring himself to be glorious when God struck him and made him to become lunatic, acting like a beast of the fields and partaking only of dew and grass for his sustenance. Not after seven years had elapsed, and only after acknowledging God's sovereignty over him, did God restore him to his sanity and his kingdom.
Hitler prided himself that he will develop a superior Aryan race and will establish a new world order with him as lord of the world. He was soundly beaten in World War II and committed suicide in his own bunker.
Saddam Hussein, who prided himself as the second Nebuchadnezzar who would bring back the lost glory of ancient Babylon, was caught like a rat in a solitary bunker, sentenced to death and was hanged before his own people.
We can go on and on with our examples. Men who defied God and established their own proud existence were severely punished and were humiliatingly brought down to their knees.
James 4:6b says, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." God loves those who are of a humble heart but abhors those who are proud in their minds. In fact, God gave these three attributes as His most admired ones, and humility was at the top of the list. Isaiah 66:2b says, "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word."
You want to please God? Humble yourself before Him and acknowledge His sovereignty over your life. Remember, pride goes before destruction.
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla
true...pride is a burden to spirituality.
Oh my God, don't tell me so 'cause the second sin I most do is the pride translated into arrogance, after the anger.
But I'm trying to get rid of this and pray to God to make me proudless.
Thanks a lot for being my spiritual Father, I've ever wanted a Father.
Big greetings and big hugs
Sweet Dreams, from the bottom of my Heart:
You know Mel, in this issue I'm thankful with God for not being handsome, 'cause I could fall into the arrogance.
Although I have my Father, I also thank you a lot for being my spiritual Father, my bloger Father.
Greetings and hugs
Nice Day, with my whole soul:
Hi Keshi,
Thanks for your visit and for your meaningful comments. Humility is one of the true measure of spirituality. God bless and have a wonderful and pleasant day.
Hi Arthur,
If pride is still in you, try to kill it by developing the opposite virtue of humility. People hate proud and conceited persons. On the contrary, humble and unassuming persons are a delight to behold. I am delighted to be your spiritual father. And I will be praying for you and your family and for Gusthav too. Thanks again for your usual visit. God bless and have a peaceful and fun filled day.
Hi Gusthav,
Physical appearances and other outward qualities are only superficial. What counts most is what's inside a person, especially what's in his heart. The Lord looks at the heart and not at physical appearances. I like your new caricatures. They show the kids in Arthur and you. Be the nice kids that both of you are. You can be a shining example of what the youth should be and of what God intended them to be. Thanks for your usual visit. I am glad to be your spiritual father too. God bless and have a wonderful and fun filled day.
To have blissful life in this world and here after, not only we have to be faithful/loyal/honest to our partner and family but also to have faith in God...to the believer, like you and me,I honestly believe though man who is proud of himself that he can stand on own feet,with pride and dignity for his right and humble himself before Him and acknowledge His sovereignty over his life...
That's why we pray to God during good or bad times, to show that no matter what,God is always there for us and even when we are succeeded in life,praying to Him shows how humble and be thankful to Him...
Take care Mel..may God bless all of us always.
nice post as usual....
completely agree, life is always a battle to seek the "ME" rather than force the "I"...Me gels with everyone and is amorphous and can do good to oneself and others - I is a authoratative entity that pushes all others and makes everyone beleive it is the best....
Have a good evening :)
Hi Noushy,
Gratitude to God for everything in our lives is a sign of true humility and dependence upon Him for our sustenance. It is acknowledging His divine providence for all our needs. And praying reinforces this humility and utter dependence on God. Yes, may God bless us all as we walk through life totally grateful and dependent upon His mercy and grace. Thanks for the inspiring comments. Have a wonderful and sunny day in London.
Hi Ceedy,
Thanks for your visit and for your profound comments. It's a clash between the person's ego and the will of God. Whatever choice a person takes will determine the path he will walk in his life. Thanks again. Have a nice and pleasant day.
Great post, Mel. I love how Jesus set such an example of humility even as far as washing his disciples' feet, despite how exalted he was!
in the film Charlie's Angel, Demi Moore who acted as the bad woman once said: "If I can be God, why should I still be an angel?"
this is the same case. it actually reflect our humanness too. sometimes we tend to be God--we want to own everything and know everything, but not knowing we are actually destructing ourselves.
u too, tnxx!
hi mel, good reminder message to humble ourselves under the mighty Hand of God that He will do the exalting of us in His season. we're to submit ourselves unto God, then we're to resist the devil, and pride and other negative spirits will flee from us.
glad you're feeling much better. i thank God for His love and grace. have a great day!
Hi Jlee,
Thanks for your visit and for your very inspiring comments. Yes, we should emulate Jesus Christ so that pride will not set in our hearts. God bless. Have a wonderful day.
Hi Elween,
Well said from a very young motivator of souls. Carry on with your work. You are on the right track my young friend. God bless and have a wonderful and peaceful day.
Hi Keshi,
You're welcome. Thanks for your visit. Have a pleasant day always.
Hi Heiresschild,
Thanks for your usual visit and for the very inspiring comments you made. I agree with you that we should always humble ourselves before the Lord and let His mighty will prevail in our lives. All the glory in the world belongs only to God and he who seeks his own glory is doomed to destruction. God bless and have a wonderful holiday season.
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the invitation but I write for a specific purpose and not for money. I don't want to compromise the credibility of my articles by writing on the side for money. I believe that God will provide all my needs as I make use my writing to minister to the needs of those souls He has entrusted to my care in the furtherance of His kingdom. Thanks anyway. Have a nice and pleasant day.
HI Mel...
True indeed, gratitude to God for everything in our lives is a sign of true humility and dependence upon Him ....can't agree no more.
How' your PT going on? Hope everyday is a better day for you especially your health.
Take care Mel.
Hi Mel,
As Blaise Pascal said..."“Jesus is the God whom we can approach without pride and before whom we can humble ourselves without despair.”
thanks for sharing this humbling post. how are u?
That is a very nice thought.Pride any day goes before a fall.Humility is the best gift one can give oneself.Pity not many think this way though.
Hope you are feeling better now my friend.Take care.God Bless You.
Hi Noushy,
Thanks again for your usual visit. You never fail to brighten up my day. Thanks for your friendship. Yes, gratitude and dependence to God are signs of true humility. It's acknowledgment of His sovereignty over us. I have not yet visited my physical therapist as I've been busy attending to my kids. But I'm okay now by the grace of God. Thanks for your visit and concern. May you have the very best this holiday season.
Hi Fingertalks,
Thanks for your visit and for sharing with us the inspiring quote of Blaise Pascal. I'm okay now by the grace of God. Thanks for your concern. God bless and may you enjoy the very best of the holiday season.
Hi Sameera,
Thanks for your usual visit and for the very inspiring and encouraging comments you always leave behind. Thanks also for your concern. I'm so glad to have you as my friend. The world has its own standards that are contrary to God's standards that is why so many fall by the wayside. Thanks again for your visit. God bless and may you experience happiness and joy this coming holiday season.
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