I give these awards to the following bloggers whom I admire most. They represent the cream of the crop as far as I am concerned. Some may not be that close to me, but I admire their blogging abilities and the success with which they have attained in sending their messages across to their readers. Congratulations to all of you and God bless you all.
1. Dr. Deb of Psychological Perspectives - For her invaluable articles that elucidate psychological issues and inform people accordingly.
2. Self Help Zone - For their practical articles that redound to the benefit of their readers.
3. Dr. Gwenn of Dr. Gwenn Is In - For her medical anecdotes that help readers understand the intricacies of the medical profession.
4. Solitaire of Psychobabbles - For her thumbs up and very intelligent articles.
5. Sameera of Sameera's Haven - For her wonderful short stories and erudite articles .
6. Keshi of Viva Forever - For her popular articles that are sources of excitement for her readers.
7. Fingertalks of The Home of the Talking Fingers on the Web - For her deep thoughts and inspired writing of articles that touch the heart.
8. Bluebirdy of Living- - 4 Hours at a Time - For her touching and soul inspiring articles even in the midst of intense pains and trials in life.
9. Marja Bergen of Roller Coaster - For her invaluable contributions for the upliftment of the spirits of her fellow Bipolar Disorder bloggers through her inspiring articles of faith.
10. Emmyrose of Just Let Go - For her heartfelt and soulful articles that inspire readers although she is suffering from Lupus.
11. Ian Lidster of Or So I Thought - For his erudite articles that cover all aspects of life culled through years of fruitful experiences in life.
12. Lena of Every Day is a Good Day - For her sensitive and emotional approach to her articles that do not fail to relate to her readers.
13. Preetilata of White Window - For her sensitive articles of poetry and short stories that are so poignant and inspiring.
14. Heiresschild of A New Journey - For her exemplary ministering to burdened flocks and her continuous blogging that show the Christian spirit.
15. Seaspray of It's a Wonderful Life - For her exquisite articles about her personal struggles in life and about the lives of her colleagues in the medical profession.
16. CapCity of CapCity's A-Musing - For her soulful articles that never fail to touch the heart of her readers.
17. Scribbit of Motherhood in Alaska - For being so generous to her readers and for always thinking what she could give to them.
18. Health Watch Center - For their educational and informational articles on health care.
19. Krystyna of Staying Young--and Healthy - For her valuable articles on alternative medicines and nature cures.
20. JLee of Jlee's Place - For her unwavering efforts to really entertain her readers and make them feel good.
These are my 24 Carat Gold Most Outstanding Bloggers whom I admire most. There may be others out there but I have to discover them yet. God bless you all and may your tribe increase.
Tags: 24 Carat Gold Most Outstanding Bloggers Awards, Outstanding Bloggers. Cream of the Crop, Trail Blazers, Erudite Writers, Inspiring Bloggers
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
You are so sweet Mel! You are worthy YOUR weight in gold ;)
God bless!!
hi Mel,
i'm deeply honored that God put me on your heart for this beautiful award. thank you so much. i greatly appreciate it, and will post it on my blog as soon as i can.
life is very busy for me right now taking care of my daughter, who's on complete bedrest until the twins are born, and taking care of her almost 3-yr old. one good thing is i think i'm getting younger thru all of my activity. LOL! i'll be here in CA until nov 1st, and i hope to post a new post this weekend.
i do hope all is well with you and your family. i wish you all much peace, love and continued blessings.
happy sabbath day! hopping here..hope to see u at mine!
awww Mel, thanks a lot!! it is really so sweet of you and i feel honoured to receive such an award from you, an outstanding blogger yourself!!!
Sorry i have not been visiting frequently lately, thats because of work pressure, will be back to blogging after a month or so and catch up wit all posts :)
You take good care of yourself and your family!!
God bless you all :)
Thank you so much, that's very nice of you!
Dear Mel,
I am so humbled to be thought of in this way.
Thank you for your kindness and as always for your friendship.
Blessings to you and your beautiful family always,
Thank you very much, Mel. I'm truly honored that you considered me worthy. You've encouraged me.
Thank you so much Bro.Mel, I really appreciate this :)
Well, congrats to the awardees, bravo!!!
Mel your article is posted in the blog already, You might want to visit it and see if I have posted it according to your preference, thanks.
tnxx alot Mel n HUGZ!
As much as all these winners deserve the award, u deserve a great award too..for ur GREAT n Inspirational posts Mel. So I award u with this same one for ur excellence in Blogville!
That was so kind of you Mel.Thanks so much for honoring me in your posts,back to back!
I am glad you gave the award to Lena,Keshi & Preeti as well,they are truly outstanding bloggers.
God Bless You my friend.Take care.
P.S. You said once you do not do tags and awards,may I know the reason for the change now :)
happy monday..parking for a while here..see u at mine! take care!
Hi Mel,
thank you soooo much for this wonderful Award.
I always learn something important from each of your post.
Your presence is blessed!
dear Mel... how r u?
first of all my sincere apologies to you for not visiting your blog for so long... actualy Mel m not blogging for around 3 months now...n u must hv noticed that too.
now comes my deep from the heart "THANKS" to you for bestowing me with the award along with the othr world class bloggers. its really an honour to be awarded by a blogger n a fren like you. u r n outstanding blogger n a grt human being..n ur blog is a never ending well of goodness..happiness..hope..trust..faith...etc. u r doing an outstanding job...by helping the mankind by ur own way... keep up the good work...n may God bless u n ur family always.
take care
:) :) :)
hi bro. mel,
thank you so much for this award! really appreciate it and your friendship. you've got a golden heart and your writings inspire us so much.
i will get the award tomorrow night as i have to go out now for an errand. have a nice day to you and to your family.
THANK U, SOOO much Dear Mel!! U r such a blessings to the blog world! HUGZ!! i'm extremely honored by this!
Bro.Mel I got a tag for you at http://emmyrose.com
Hope you can find time to do it :)
Dear Mel...Thank you so very much for this award. Coming from you it truly means a lot. YOU are worthy of this award! Your posts are always inspirational and touch my heart. They impart Godly love and wisdom.
I had been feeling down and my spirits were lifted when I read your kind words. Thank you for thinking of me and God bless you and your loved ones.
P.S. I am going in for surgery tomorrow because my ureter totally closed again. I had to go to the hospital via ER and then admitted 5 days. I had a pre-sepsis blood infection and the doctor put a ureteral stent in.
The concern was that the old stricture closed up again which would mean that I would probably need the reconstructive psoas hitch surgery which I don't want because I would be high risk.
The doctor is hoping it was just a stone and thinks it is lower than the original stricture.
Could you please pray that the surgery/procedure goes well and that it is something the doctor can fix and that it is not the old stricture scarring again?
Thank you very much. :)
your sweet and generous heart will be loved by those you have given your appreciation.. You just gave me an idea,.. I should be doing this someday....
Hi Mel just visiting you..Have a great day
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Hi Jlee,
You are worth yourself your weight in gold. I do believe you deserve the accolade my friend. Sorry for the late answer. We got some problem in my country. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Heiresschild,
Unfortunately, we were victims again of inundation in our house. No cause for worry though. We were safe in the higher house we sought refuge to and all our belongings were spared from any damage or loss, thanks be to God for His grace and mercy. I hope you are doing well together with all your household and family. Thanks again and God bless you all.
Hi Gagay,
I do not understand the Sabbath salutation since we all celebrate the Lord's day. Anyway thanks for the greetings. Yes, I will visit your blog soon. Thanks and God bless.
Hi Lena,
You really deserve the award for your sensitive posts. We may not be communicating that much but I admire your work tremendously. Thanks for your appreciation of the award. God bless.
Hi Scribbit,
I really admire your generosity in giving so many presents and giveaways to your readers. Your articles of your life and happenings in Alaska are all wonderful reading materials. Thanks for your appreciation of your award. God bless.
Hi Dr. Deb,
You'll always remain up there in my list of my most admired bloggers. Your dedication and care for your readers are very evident in all your articles. Thanks for your appreciation of your award. God bless you always.
Hi Marja,
You are so wonderful and one of a kind to be able to write articles of inspiration for all your bipolar disorder colleagues. God bless you for your efforts to overcome your own trials and those of your bipolar friends too. God bless you always.
Hi sis Emmyrose,
Just like Marja and Bluebirdy who are both suffering from debilitating maladies, you are also a tower of strength and inspiration for all those similarly suffering. May your tribe increase and may God bless you all for your ennobling efforts. Thanks for appreciating your award. God bless you always.
Hi Jena Isle,
Thank you so much my friend. Yes, I will visit your blog soon to see my article. You are worthy of an award too for your advocacy to protect children from TV violence. I really appreciate the 1000 ecs you credited to me. It will go a long way to advertise my blog. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Keshi,
You really deserve that award for your popular blog. You attract all kinds of readers for your straightforward presentation of life. Thanks for dedicating an award to me. I give back all the glory to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Thanks for appreciating your award. God bless.
Hi Sameera,
Thanks for appreciating the award I gave to you. Yes, Lena, Keshi and Preetilata deserve their respective awards too. I still do not do tags and memes. I just did it to attract more traffic in trying to commercialize my blog but until now I still have zero credit from Google adsense. I am still trying to increase traffic to my blog that's why I am concentrating in my blog hopping activities at Blog Catalog and Entrecard. I now have close to 700 friends from Blog Catalog and an average of 200 visits a day which I have to reciprocate. That's the reason why I could not give comments to your blog and those of my other friends as often as I would want to. But I always treat you all as my precious and valued friends. Thanks for your visit and comments my wonderful friend. God bless you always.
Hi Gagay,
So sorry. I was out of circulation for a week because of the damage done by typhoon Frank to our house. We were inundated by floodwaters and were forced to seek shelter to a higher house. Thanks God, we did not lose any belongings. Our internet signal got knocked out too and the internet provider only repaired our antenna just this morning. Thanks again for your visit and God bless.
Hi Krystyna,
You will always be deserving of any award to be given in bloggersville. Your articles are worth all the awards for their value in terms of nature cure and wellness. I'm very proud to have you as my friend- my sister in Christ. Thanks so much for appreciating your award and God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Preetilata,
That's too much of a praise, I have to give it all to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He deserves all the glory and honor alone. I hope you will continue to write since you exhibit such sensitivity that only a person that underwent a lot of trials in her life can write about. Thanks for your appreciation of your award. God bless.
Hi Fingertalks,
You really deserve that award. You write with such clarity of thoughts and erudition that I really appreciate. Thanks for appreciating your award. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi CapCity,
You really deserve that award my friend. I can see how you tremendously affect your readers by your soulful articles. God bless you and all your worthy endeavors in life.
Hi sis Emmyrose,
Yes, I will go over to your blog to see the tag. I really hope I can do it. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Seaspray,
Yes, I will pray for you. I hope you will trust the Lord more than you will trust your doctor or any other person for that matter. The Lord is speaking to you in this latest episode in your life. You can not embrace God and the world at the same time. You must be a Christian first and foremost. Thanks for appreciating your award. God bless you with divine healing and deliverance.
Hi Tey,
Thanks for your thoughtfulness and your visits and comments too. I really appreciate your friendship. God bless you always.
Thank you!!
Its been long since I visited you.
Wonderful pictures on the sidebar.
Congratz to all the receivers...they surely deserved it. I agree with you that they are such outstanding bloggers in their niche'.
Hope you are fine end there.Take care Mel.
Hi Solitaire,
Thanks for appreciating the award that I have given you. They were given out of merit and not closeness with me. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Noushy,
Thanks for your visit and comments. I gave the award to those truly deserving based on pure merit and not closeness or friendship with me. As you can see, some of them did not even bother to acknowledge their awards. But that should not stop me from recognizing their talents. Thank you so much my dear friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
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