Do you have dragons in your mind that bedevils you? Do you have dragons that cause untold miseries in your lives? You have to identify these dragons and banish them away from your mind before they can cause irreparable damages and havoc to your life. Let us identify these dragons and what damages they have inflicted in our lives.
1. The Dragon of Bitterness- Have you been hurt before? Were you a victim of betrayal or backstabbing by your most trusted friend? Were you deserted by a loved one? Whatever pains these people may have caused you, this may leave a lingering spirit of bitterness in your heart. This will act like acid scarring your very soul and will cause you untold sufferings and sleepless nights. Learn to forgive and forget and banish this powerful dragon from your life. Then move on to a higher plane of existence and a more meaningful life.
2. The Dragon of Doubt and Fear - This dragon has caused many failures and sufferings in our lives. It prevented us from attaining our full potentials in life. Banish it from your life and see how the angel of success will replace it and assure victory in your life.
3. The Dragon of Covetousness - We covet what we do not have and so we hate the people who have it all. Banish this dragon from your life before you commit a crime against your fellowmen.
4. The Dragon of Arrogance and Pride - Pride caused the downfall of Lucifer from heaven. Pride caused the defeat of so many men. Banish this dragon from your mind and learn to be humble.
5. The Dragon of Lust - This dragon has caused many defeats and downfall to so many people- from Samson to Napoleon Bonaparte. Lust for anything is sinful. This dragon must be banished from your mind.
6. The Dragon of Avarice and Greed - Man is never satisfied. He wants more and more of everything. Let us banish this dragon from our mind and learn to live a simple and contented life.
There are so many other dragons that bedevil man's life. The important thing is, we identify them all and banish them from our minds. In their place, let us think of all the positive things that the Holy Spirit bring- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. We are the products of our thoughts. So let us think only pure, positive and pleasant thoughts and reap a life of success, joy, peace and contentment. NEVER LET THE DRAGON ENTER YOUR MIND.
Tags: Dragons, Bitterness, Doubt and Fear, Covetousness, Arrogance and Pride, Lust, Avarice and Greed, Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
We all harbor these dragons within us.What matters is to keep them in check.
Thanks for the wise post my dear friend.Take care.God Bless You and your loves ones always.
Hi Sameera,
Yes, we have to be aware always of any incursion of these dragons in our mind. We have to secure our mind against their entry. Positive thinking will negate whatever inroads they may try to make in our
minds. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my dear friend.
Hello Mel.I just came back to say that you have not understood my latest post properly.It is neither hanging nor a mystery,it is a real life story,and a very clear and simple one.
Since your comment is not in context to it,I am not publishing it.Sorry about that.Take care.
i can relate to numbers 1 and 2 a lot. but thank you for this reminder. i get to ask myself if i'm still hiding something in my heart that would displease God. God bless you, bro.
this dragon is always and will always be around everywhere and we cannot do anyting about it but keep the words of God in our heart that will keep us away from this dragon....
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Hi Sameera,
Oh that's no problem. When I read it again I saw that I really misunderstood the term "if only they have met earlier" to mean that they were no longer free to consummate their relationship. Well, there is always room for misinterpretation. Sorry about that. But the story is good in its own right. There is nothing to diminish its intrinsic beauty and readability. I'm just sorry if I misinterpreted your thoughts. Thanks for correcting my misinterpretation. About your not posting my comment, it is no big problem. Nothing to it, really. Thanks for your visit and rectification my dear friend. God bless you always.
Hi sis Pia,
Romans 12:2 says, "And do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you will be able to test and approve what's God's will is, His good, pleasing and perfect will." We can renew our mind by placing every thought under the mantle of Christ until we are truly transformed. If only we will be always aware that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, banishing all those evil thoughts from our mind will be a lot simpler and easier. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my dear friend and sister.
Hi Tey,
These dragons can be banished from our minds through the power of the Holy Spirit. As Zechariah 4:6b says, "Not by might nor by power but My Spirit says the Lord Almighty." Letting them linger freely in the vicinity of our minds is very dangerous since like their physical counterparts, they can strike easily and with malevolent impunity. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my friend.
Magadang arow :))
I came here thru Krystinas blog.
We all have such dragons ,we have to throw away from our mind.
will visit here always to read your nice blog.
ingat :)
Hi Deepak Gopi,
Magandang araw too. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your encouraging comments. God bless you always.
YOGA - the best.
dragons? hmm.. that's something new
Oh Mel!I felt I should have published it,but then other readers might have laughed at your comment and I didn't want that.
Very sorry my dear friend.Take care.Have a good week ahead.God Bless You and your loved ones always.
If we want to live our best life we should start to take control about our thoughts
and do what is right
even when nobody is watching.
Thank you Mel! Perfect post!
God bless you and your family!
Hi Mel I have commented on this post. I thought you have a new post and I thought of passing by .. Greetings to you my friend
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yeah in fact i have more dragons in my mind today... that spoiled my life... my mom always told me to let go these dragons but i keep holding it..
thanks for this post.. I am overcoming some negative aspects of my life... and thanks for the reminder too Kuya..
what an amazing and wise post, Mel.. We all do have these dragons, just not all of us are able to handle them well.
Just want to say hello and happy weekend to you Mel
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Hi Hobo,
I respect your opinion. God bless.
Hi Tintin,
No it's as old as civilization and life itself. I only used dragons to personify all those negative attitudes. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Sameera,
Well I don't mind people laughing at me. That's their right if they want to. I may have misinterpreted it but who's perfect? Anyway, no harm done, we're still friends. Thanks for your visit and clarification. God bless you always my dear friend.
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, thoughts are forces that can make and unmake us. It is best to watch out for any negative thoughts that can caused irreparable damages to our souls. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear friend. God bless you always.
Hi Tey,
So sorry my friend. I was out of circulation for a week because of computer breakdown. I'm now back in circulation and I hope for good. Our computer is already old and it keeps on breaking down. I would have to replace it sometime. Thanks for your visit . God bless you always my friend.
Hi Darlyn,
The best way to keep these dragons off our mind is to counteract them with the appropriate word of God. This has the power to negate whatever forces these dragons may possess. Life could be better and more productive if only we could concentrate more on positive thoughts. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Lena,
If we focus on them, we give them the power to hold on to us and make our lives miserable. Focusing on positive thoughts would diminish and negate their hold on us. Thanks for your visit and comments my friend. God bless you always.
Hi Tey,
Thanks for your constant visit to my blogs. I really appreciate that. Sorry that I could response only now to your comments. I was out of circulation for a week. Thanks for your visit again and God bless.
The enemy will do everything to gain a foothold of our minds. Because our actions are determined by the kind of thoughts we keep. For a number of times, the enemy also made me thin of these "dragons". He is very subtle. I pray that all of us would learn to discriminate our thoughts and identify when it is the enemy who is talking so we can reject it.
Hi Wendy,
Romans 12:2 stated the formula for our transformation and that is the renewal of our minds that should not conform any longer to the patterns of this world. We should make each thought captive to the thoughts of Jesus Christ so that we may not be deceived by those dragons of deception. Our enemy is so cunning and they always use our minds to undermine us. The solution is to offer our thoughts, feelings, words and actions to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and maintain our focus on Him. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
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