They say that laughter is the best medicine. And it can never be truer than that. Have we not enjoy the company of people with a good sense of humor? And haven't we felt so good after a good laugh? Laughter secretes a hormone that makes us feel good and euphoric. This hormone can also deaden the pain in our body.
But how can we evoke laughter if our situation is less than pleasant? We cannot laugh at the expense of others. Those who do that makes a good laugh at a gathering but loses the friendship of the butt of his joke. If we ever have to make fun at somebody's expense, see to it that we make fun at our own expense rather than on others. People love to laugh at jokes cracked on others rather than on themselves. That's why a good stand up comedian always cracks joke at himself rather than on his audience.
But if we are not a professional comedian, how can we evoke laughter in ourselves? Laughter comes from a healthy spirit. We laugh because we feel good inside. We laugh because we are at peace with ourselves, with our neighbors and with the world. But most of all, we laugh because we are at peace with God and we are so in love with our present life.
To evoke laughter, one must be very observant. Look at babies and small kids. They are so laughable in their own ways because they are so satisfied with themselves. Look at a cute pup or kitten or any baby animal and you can feel the joy and laughter bursting inside them. Hear the singing of the birds, the swaying of the leaves as the wind passes by. They bring the melody of joy and laughter to the world.
If our inner being is joyful, then we can laugh to our heart's content and the whole world will laugh with us. Ha, ha, ha, ha, *lol*
Hi Mel,
I can tell that this post is absolutely scrumptious. We really need this information. We need to lauhgt as a kid, as a bird, and it is the best medicine.
What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul, as Yiddish Proveb said.
Remember, men need laughter sometimes more than food. ~Anna Fellows Johnston
What a coincidence - I posted today a post "Share a SMILE" with three stand up comedians...
I actually cannot stop laughing and that is a problem :)
Have a great weekend
Hi Mel, that's the way to go. Laugh is important to knock down the pains of our soul.
Well, in these topics, I thank God for putting Gusthav on my life (and I think also in the blog world).
Big greetings, big hugs
Sweet Dreams, from the bottom of my Heart:
Hi Mel, I agree, laughter is the best medicine in the whole world.
And reading this post, I thought you were thinking about me, 'cause I mostly post funny situations (even funny misfortunes about myself) in my corner.
Thanks for this tribute to me.
Greetings and hugs
Nice Day, with my whole soul:
Hi Hrystyna,
How right you are. Sometimes we overlook this basic health toner of our body. We laugh not only to relieve our body of built up stresses, we laugh to express the very joy of living. Let's laugh our way to a better health my friend. Ha, ha, ha *lol* God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Ceedy,
Yes, it is better to laugh than to cry. We gain nothing by feeling so sorry for ourselves. But we attract a lot of friends by having a healthy sense of humor. Thanks for your visit and God bless.
Hi Arthur,
Sometimes, we become so engrossed with the problems of life that we become so serious and sourly. Nothing beats a healthy dose of humor to lighten up our day. Thanks for your visit my young friend. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Gusthav,
Oh yes, every time I look at the caricature you attached to your name, I can't help but smile. You look so funny even in that caricature. Probably you are even more funny in person. Thanks my friend for making this world a better place to live in by your funny jokes and antics. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Bro. Mel,
Hope you're doing just fine. I miss you in my blogs. Congrats to your princess Heidi =)
Kaya ako I try to laugh as often as I can but sometimes it's hard lalo na if you're burden with a lot of things.
Basta always be happy and laugh na lang tayo lagi.
Take care!
hahaha i really love to laugh and yes
laugh make me healthy and far from stress, so guys you need to laugh one or two times a day in your life, hahaha.
Laughter is a medicine to a healthy living soul!..It shows the joyful that we had from inner values,due to satisfaction and contented feelings.
We really need laughter in our lives as it elevates not only our mood but people surrounding us...laughter is also the best medicine for younger looking skin!
Nothing beats joke/humor to light up our day!
Have a gr8 weekend my friend.
be with your friends.. and later on.. you'll just laugh and feel better :)
Let's laugh Mel
hahahahahahahahahaha >D
Hi sis Emmyrose,
Sorry if I have not left any comments in your blogs lately. I have been concentrating on blog hopping with BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog to increase traffic in my blogs in preparation to accepting commercial ads later. Anyway, I will visit your blogs and leave comments behind. Thanks for your visit and let just keep on laughing our way to health. Ha, ha, ha, God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Marie,
I really love your fresh funny jokes. They always make my day. I hope you don't mind that I copy and paste your post and published it at World United Bloggers. I'm sure many will surely enjoy your fresh humorous jokes. Thanks again for your visit. He, he, he, God bless.
Hi Noushy,
You said it all. We need a good laugh always to lighten up our day. Our lives will be a lot better if we learn to see humor in everything. Laughter really is the best medicine. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear beautiful friend. Let's laugh our way to health. Ha, ha, ha, God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Tintin,
Thanks for your visit and your comments. Yes, whenever we are with friends we always feel happy and light. We laugh at ourselves and completely enjoy each other's company. God bless.
Hi Sigit,
It's good that you have a sense of humor and enjoy a good laugh. You have very impressive posts on Biblical narratives. I'm pretty impressed by your meticulous research on Biblical historical backgrounds. Keep on going my brother in Christ. Thanks for your informative posts. God bless.
Dropping by to see how are you doing..on Sunday mone, hehhehe,hope you are chilling out...yeyyy!
BTW, I knew that you don't do any tagging, meme or awards, but I tot this meme on GRATITUDE is a good one for you to do without having to tag anyone - solely on what gratitude means to you....would love to read yours :)
Take care my friend.
Hi Noushy,
No, we're not chilling here. We are burning here because of the intense heat. It is so hot and humid that we could hardly sleep at night. Well, that's the trouble with living in a tropical paradise(?). He, he, he, We are enjoying the sweltering heat. Yes, I will be making a personal tag in my next post and I hope you will support me in this because it is meant to increase traffic in my blog. That would also reveal some personal information about me. Thanks for dropping by and saying hello. I really appreciate that my dear beautiful friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
That even if some part of you is aching, you still have to smile and laugh... Hi Mel, dropping by
Hey your blog is very informative I like it.
from Wisconsin
Fernando Poniente
no problem Mel you can repost the jokes in my blog anytime you want.
Hi Tey,
Yes, even if we are experiencing bodily pain, the more we should laugh because laughter secretes a certain hormone that deadens bodily pains. Laughter also relieves physical and emotional stresses in our body. I recommend the blog of Marie who has Fresh Free Humorous Jokes everyday. Her jokes are replete with so much humor that will surely give you a good laugh always. Thanks and God bless my friend.
Hi Fernando,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your fine comments but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I will visit your blog too. God bless.
Hi Marie,
Thanks for allowing me to reprint your post at World United Bloggers. You will get a lot of traffic from there since it is a mega blog with more than 100 contributors from around the world. Thanks for your visit too. God bless.
i agree with it, laughter is really the best medicine. when one is feeling down, a good comedy is a great remedy.
thanks for the tag Mel.
See you in my blog;)
Hi Pinay Jade,
Thanks for your visit and your wonderful comments. Truly, laughter is the best medicine. Please do the tag so that we can help each other increase traffics in our respective blogs. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Pinay Jade,
Thanks for your visit and your wonderful comments. Truly, laughter is the best medicine. Please do the tag so that we can help each other increase traffics in our respective blogs. Thanks again and God bless.
Ya, I can agree with you. I saw or read where you can actually reduce high blood preassure from laughing. They did a study on it some where. Postive thoughts Postive thoughts
Hi Chronic Chick,
I cannot recall the exact name of the gland but I'm sure that laughter secretes a certain gland that actually deadens pain. If I'm not mistaken it's called serotonin but I'm not sure, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm still praying for you, for Bluebirdy and sis Emmyrose. Please continue blogging. It is therapeutic and is a prefect venue to vent your emotions. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your family always.
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