1) Rose DesRoschers- Cited a news item regarding a pedophile activist who was exploiting daughters of US politicians by plastering their daughters' pictures all over his girl loving website.
She was aghast at the brazenness of the pedophile and urged the legislators to sue him.
2) Paris Unleashed- While walking near her place, she saw 10 to 12 pieces of freshly cut cat tails hanging like banners in a post. Probably a work of a psychotic sadist or a bizarre ritual of a satanic cult.
3) From another blog- Blogger made disparaging remarks about the Bible and the Book of Mormons calling them absurd. He trumpets that he is a buddhist.
4) Dr. Gwenn cited the prevailing discrimination and harassment in the workplace for lactating mothers who want to breastfeed their infants. Breastfeeding was considered an aberration in the workplace.
5) Paris Unleashed- Cited a news item regarding a multi million dollar pyramid scam in the internet among Filipino subscribers.
6) Another female blogger was trumpeting her long distance lesbian relationship with a younger girl.
7) We see high tech geniuses putting their destructive viruses online to wreak havoc to billion dollar businesses and disrupting vital operations worldwide.
8) We see religious fanatics and terrorists blowing up people's lives and properties, all in the name of their god and religious beliefs.
9) Lesbian and homosexual marriages are solemnized and legalized in many parts of the US and some parts of the world.
10) Abortion becomes an ordinary medical procedure in many clinics in many countries around the world.
The list goes on and on and on. WHAT'S HAPPENING TO OUR WORLD? Some people are no longer ashamed to do evil. They even flaunt their abominable deeds for all the world to see.
To them, evil becomes "good" and perversion becomes the accepted norm.
Destruction, hatred, bitterness, cursing and slander, religious bigotry, racial and cultural
discrimination, hypocrisy, indecency, debauchery, even bestiality are the accepted norms to some.
They have made our world an upside down, inside-out world.
I remember a saying that goes, "for the forces of evil to triumph in this world, it is enough that a few good men will do nothing."
I rest my case.
(With due apologies to Misses Rose DesRoschers, Paris Unleashed and Dr. Gwenn for mentioning your names in a non disparaging light. You all have my highest respect and admiration for your respective advocacies.)