He surveys his kingdom from all directions. His kingdom extends far beyond his eyes could see. There is so much abundance in his kingdom. Supplies are plentiful.
Here, he reigns sovereign over all his subjects. His subjects love and respect him so much that there is nothing they will not do for their king. He walks leisurely refreshing his lungs with the pure air that he breathes. Ah, how lucky can he be. He is almost on top of the world. Here, he reigns supreme. There is no rival nor opposition to his kingship. Here, his loyal subjects obey his every wish and command. All kinds of sweet and delectable fruit bearing trees abound his kingdom. The majestic flower beds in his numerous gardens are unmatched in beauty and perfection. He even has a harem of beautiful and subservient wives. What more can he ask for? A majestic mountain with a perfect blue top stands majestically guarding his kingdom. Birds of all kinds fly in the air resonating with their melodious voices. Even the animals in the forest beyond his kingdom are tame. They would willingly and leisurely saunter in the yard of the king. Music wafts melodiously in the whole kingdom as though a dozen symphonies were waxing their classical repertoires. Yes, it is a perfect kingdom, fit for a sovereign king such as he.
He sleeps peacefully knowing that all is well in his kingdom. Suddenly, he heard a buzzing sound in his ears as though a bee was surveying his ears as a possible hive. He awakened and was startled to see a barren and desolate isle with nary a sign of life nor activities. Now, he awakens from his delirious stupor. Yes, he is in a desolate island alone. He was shipwrecked and was carried ashore by giant waves. He has been there for three weeks with no food and in his weakened state, he dreamed of his beloved kingdom. He gingerly sleeps again to awake no more.
Tags: The Kingdom, Dreams, Sovereign, Loyal Subjects, Castles in the Air
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla