Deceptions. Lies. False sense of security. Hollow philosophies that teach man made tenets in life. We see people blinded by the great pied piper following the enchanting music but to where? To their own doom. God created the universe and man with very simple rules but men chose to disobey God and do things their own way. And now that the world is in shambles, precipitating nearer and nearer to its self imposed doom, men are still deceived and they swallow the grand deceptions because they want to follow their own ways rather than the ways of God. And what is the way of God? God created the whole universe and termed it good. Man was the pinnacle of God's creation because he was created in the image and likeness of God. And God termed the creation of man as good. He instructed man to subjugate the earth and become the steward of God's bountiful provisions for man. But man chose to disobey God. He was cursed and driven out of paradise. And the race of man was never the same again. Man, after Eden, was born in a state of depravity. Even when God sent His only begotten Son to save perishing mankind, most men choose to follow their own ways because they refuse to humble themselves and follow God's ways. And now we see a world full of deceptions and lies. And what are some of these deceptions and lies?
1. That the very purpose of man's life is the pursuit of happiness;
2. That anything that seems good and pleasurable for man should be pursued unimpeded;
3. That there is a continuum of life so why bother with this present life;
4. That man must achieve the pinnacle of success no matter what the cost may be and no matter who gets hurt;
5. Let us eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.
Many are deceived by moral sounding philosophies like love, god, universal brotherhood, light, existentialism, gnosticism, etc. And some fanatical beliefs even teach their adherents that they will go straight to paradise if they die in the battlefield fighting for their beliefs. So we see the spectacle of fanatical people sharing death with their victims due to explosives attached to their bodies. But what is the truth really? It is in God's words. And God's words are faithful and true. And God never lies.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Deceptions, Lies, False Sense of Security, Hollow Philosophies, Man Made Tenets, Pied Piper, Doom, Man's Ways, God's Ways, Pinnacle of God's Creation, Image and Likeness of God, Stewards, Divine Providence,
Paradise, State of Depravity, Only Begotten Son, Perishing Humanity, Pursuit of Happiness, Continuum of Life, Pinnacle of Success, Fanatical Beliefs, God is Faithful, God Never Lies.
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla