Times are changing. Events are happening so fast that we could hardly catch our breath. Many Bible scholars are predicting the onset of Biblical eschatology or the end times. We are witnessing globally catastrophic events that are shaking our very lives and forcing us to think about our eternal future. The question that we should ask ourselves is: Are we ready to meet the Lord when He comes? We are so solicitous in doing everything to provide for our children and in hedging them against the uncertainties of the future. But have we prepared ourselves and our loved ones against the uncertainties of the realization of God's prophecies in the Bible? When we judge everything by the standard of the world and by our own logical thinking, we will fail to see the signs of the times. To us, everything has an explanation except for the will of God. We always exclude God in the explanation of everything. Every problem, every earth shaking event have their logical and scientific explanation but we always exclude God in everything. They are all there, written in the word of God in the Bible. They were written thousands of years ago through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. All we have to do is study and ponder God's words to understand everything that is happening today and whether we are living in compliance with the will of God or not. It is very dangerous to continue living our lives on our own concepts and ideas of everything. When the Lord comes and ask us whether we lived our lives the way He commanded us to live them, what will be our answer, our excuses? That we do not know it and expect God to accept our alibi of feigning ignorance? No, He will condemn us for not knowing His will in our lives when they are clearly written in His words in the Bible. There is no escape for our culpability. Then we will rue the days when we disregarded God's words.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, End Times, Prophecies, Eschatology, Catastrophic Events, Eternal Future, Uncertainties of The Future, World Standard, Logical Thinking, Scientific Explanations, Inspiration of The Holy Spirit, In Compliance With God's Will, Our Own Concepts and Ideas, Alibi of Feigning Ignorance, Clearly Written, Culpability, Word of God, Gospel of Salvation, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla