There is still no shortest and surest way to God than fasting and prayer. Fasting has become a lost art, what with all the sumptuous fares all around. To be able to fast takes a lot of inspiration, determination and guts. But fasting, together with prayer and meditation on the word of God, is the fastest, shortest and surest way of reaching God. It reestablishes our connection with God. It accentuates our relationship with Him and reminds us who we really are in the presence of an Almighty God. It humbles us as we are reminded that we are just dusts of the earth, a mere discarded rag in the dazzling presence of the Creator of the entire universe. Aside from meeting God in His lofty dwelling, fasting, prayer and meditation on the word of God bring so many fringe benefits and bonanzas for us.
1. It cleanses our minds, hearts and soul and firmly reestablishes our connection with God.
2. It cleanses the mist and imperfections in our conscience, making it a crystal mirror of our relationship with God.
3. It strengthens the voice and leadings of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We are immediately convicted of anything that disturbs our realtionship with God and displeases Him.
4. It heals all our diseases. Modern medicine, saints, gurus, and ascetics testify about the wonderful effects of prolonged fasting to the body. A fasting of 3 to 7 days with only liquid for intake heals all sicknesses in our body, including incurable ones like cancer, lupus, bipolar disorders, aids, etc. When the body is starved of food, it eats first the diseased cells and accumulated fats in the body and expels all unwanted toxins out of the body. All clogged systems- circulatory, respiratory, digestive, muscular and even malfunctioning of vital organs of the body are cleansed of all undesired and toxic elements rendering them to operate smoothly like an overhauled machine.
The wounds suffered by Jeus Christ as He was mercilessly scourged by the Roman centurions represent healings for all kinds of diseases in mankind. We only have to claim it (the healing) through a living faith and healing of both body and soul is ours for the taking. Pardon me as I complete the seven day fast ordained by our church for all our members nationwide and worldwide. HAPPY FASTING!
Tags: Fasting, Prayer, Meditation, Word of God, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Healing, Diseases, Conscience, Line To God, Living Faith, Cleansing, Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, Dusts of the Earth, Discarded Rags, Mind, Heart, Soul, Relationship With God, Saints, Gurus, Ascetics, Cancer, Lupus, Bipolar Disorder, AIDS
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla