To truly reflect the glory of God and to be an effective light of the world and salt of the earth as admonished by the Lord, we have to die to our own worldly self. We have to truly humble ourselves and acknowledge that everything in our lives are truly for the Lord alone. That is total surrender, when we kill any identification to our selfish, worldly and self glorifying self. In other words, we are dead to this world and alive for the Lord alone. And as we continue to walk in the way of the Lord and obey His own will in our lives, then we are opening ourselves to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to change us from glory to glory until we reach the whole measure of the fullness of Jesus Christ. That is the true yardstick of the real Christian. We die to ourselves and we live for the Lord alone. And in the process, we open ourselves to many trials because the work and purpose of the Lord in our lives must be accomplished so that the characters and virtues God wants to develop in us can reach its full fruition. Such is the transforming power of God to those who have fully surrendered their lives to Him. Peter, who was a sinful fisherman and one who disowned Jesus Christ, was transformed into a bold leader of the fledgling church of God after the death of Jesus Christ. Paul, whose hands bore the blood of Stephen and other Christian martyrs, was transformed by God to become the greatest and boldest propagator of the Gospel of Christ to the gentile world. If we truly love God and if we are truly desirous to please Him, then we must die to ourselves and live for His glory alone. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dying To Self, Living For God Alone, Dead To This World, Alive in Jesus Christ, Grace, Salvation, Transformation, Glory, Eternal Life, Bliss, Worldly, Peter, Paul, Christian Church, Born Again, Word of God, Gospel of Salvation, Holy Bible, Love, Joy, Peace
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla