you holding on to grudges and pains in your heart because of broken
relationships caused by betrayal of trust? Are you still feeling the
pain of a bruised heart because you were left alone by the love of your
life for somebody else? Did you feel cheated when a close friend
spilled out to others the secrets you confided to him/her? Is the
spirit of unforgiveness and bitterness lingering in your heart causing
you sleepless nights, unnecessary tears and sickness of body and soul? Learn to forgive and forget.
The Bible says, forgive so that your sins maybe forgiven also. Yes, I
know how hard it is to forgive as long as we are still feeling the pain
in our hearts. But we can do the act of forgiveness by saying it orally
that we forgive the person who hurt us and pray to God that we can also
forget the bitterness it brought to us. Try not to get even or to
equalize things on your own. This might lead to revenge which is
sinful. Turn over the person's wrongdoing to God and relate to God all
the pains and heartaches you are suffering due to that person's wrongful
act. Ask God to resolve the conflict between the two of you and rest
your case to God. In due time, your wounds will heal and you can
actually forget the wrong that was done to you. It will be easy to
forgive and forget if we keep in our minds that we also hurt other
people before. We are not clean ourselves. If we can still ask
forgiveness from the person we hurt and if we can restitute the damage
we have done, then maybe that person may forgive us and we can have
genuine reconciliation and peace of mind. Never dwell on past hurts and
pains. Surrender them all to the Lord. Focus on love, forgiveness,
joy, reconciliation and peace in your mind and you will experience a
more pleasant and blissful life. Did not God say that the kingdom of God is in our hearts?
God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Forgiveness, Key To Joy and Peace,
Reconciliation, Happiness, Love, Kingdom of God, Peace of Mind
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla