This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
We may be in the dark, so cold and lonely, unable to see any light in our darkened existence. We may be already at the edge of a precipitous cliff ready to jump into the deep chasm of nothingness. We started out so well in our lives. We were nurtured in the best values, the best education, the best love and care that our parents could muster for us. Where did we go wrong?
It all started when we chose the wrong path for our lives. It all started when we asserted our own independence from God. So we lived by the principles of this world. So we lived by the norm of "dog eats dog." And in the process, somehow we changed. We lost all the principles and values that were ingrained in our hearts and minds by the molders of our soul. We knew that there was a God but He seemed so far away and somehow, we found it harder and harder to relate to Him. And so we wallowed more and more in our worldly existence, drowning ourselves in the inebriating wine of wanton living. But all of these things have left us with emptiness in our hearts. We felt the gnawing pain of loneliness and the virtual isolation of our soul. Somehow our soul yearns for a different existence, one that exudes true joy and peace in our hearts.
It is never too late to turn our backs to worldly living and to retrace our steps back to the pathway to God's kingdom. All it takes is to humble ourselves before the Lord, repent our sins, and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Then His most precious blood will wash immaculately clean all the stains of sins and guilt in our hearts as we become born again in Spirit and truth.
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla Philippines Spiritual/Inspirational
Sally Ordinario-Villanueva, one of convicted drug mule executed in China
This a black day for the Philippines as three Pinoys accused and convicted of being drug couriers to China were executed by the Chinese authorities despite the pleadings and prayers of the entire Filipino nation and its citizens worldwide. No amount of pleadings from the Philippine government led by Pres. Noynoy Aquino and Vice Pres. Jejomar Binay moved the intractable Chinese authorities. They have such a hypocritical view of the incidents. While their Chinese nationals made life miserable for millions of Filipinos by operating clandestine shabu laboratories in almost all parts of the Philippines; while Chinese were the operators of most drug syndicates in the country and while they ravaged the economy of the Philippines by their unabated smuggling of almost everything to the Philippines to the detriment of our local industries and while their fishermen fish with impunity in Philippine waters catching even endangered species, they mouth about the sufferings of Chinese nationals brought about by the minuscule drugs brought by our impoverished drug couriers lured to the trade by extreme poverty. China is so arrogant and they tolerate toxic laden products from China like milk, toys, etc. and counterfeit products of all kinds to be exported to the world especially to impoverished countries like the Philippines. Sure they suffered indignities and persecution from the Western powers before but why browbeat small countries like the Philippines like a big bad bully pummeling a small terrified boy unable to fight back because of its small size. We should incarcerate all Chinese nationals caught violating our sovereign laws and must never succumb to the pressures of the Chinese government to just deport them. BIG BULLY CHINA. SHAME ON YOU!
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." This has been the maxim of old and is still being used today to justify one's cravings for revenge. But where did it lead the world? It led the world to a brutal state of existence. Do we please God by this? No, we only please our brutish nature and the master of this world- Satan. As innocent children and the elders die by the wayside, the laughter of Satan reverberates around the world as he feeds from the passions of people crazed for more revenge, violence and killings.
Such is the sad affairs of the world today. But this is not the will of God. God said, "vengeance is mine." He who persists in treading the road of revenge is putting himself under the law of the sword. God said, "he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." And what is the admonition of God? God said, "love your enemy, do good to those who oppress you." Why would God admonish man to do this? Because by doing so, we put ourselves under the mantle of God's protection and love and He will surely annihilate our oppressors before our very eyes.
Do you want to see genuine peace in this world? If we do, let us immediately stop the cycle of revenge, killings, oppressions and hatred in our world. Let us learn to love our enemies and pray for them. If they still persist in continuing their insatiable quest for more violence, hatred and killings, let us then witness the unfolding of God's wonderful and amazing ways as He destroy and annihilate our enemies before our very eyes. THINK ABOUT THAT.
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla Philippines Spiritual/Inspirational
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)