Once a little cherubim was looking at God in heaven. God was watching the whole earth and His face was full of sorrow and pain. He was very sad and the angel thought a tear was welling in the eyes of the Lord. The angel decided in his heart to make the Lord happy and bring a smile on His face. The angel swooped down to the earth to search for something that will make the Lord smile. In a medium size church, he heard an outstanding sermon by a pastor and he saw that all the church goers were mesmerized by his Gospel message. They were all clapping so loud because of his earth shaking sermon. The angel decided to scoop the sermon in his tiny hands and brought it to the Lord. When he faced the Lord, he bowed down and opened his tiny hands and the sounds and sights of the earth shattering sermon penetrated the whole heaven . The Lord smiled a little but afterwards He became solemn again. The frustrated angel went back to earth and roamed its four corners to seek what will make the Lord smile. From a little cathedral he saw a huge choir singing a heavenly praise and worship song to the Lord as the whole congregation joined in the mighty song. Surely, this will bring a smile to the Lord, the angel thought. He scooped up the praise and worship song of the choir and hurried up to heaven. Facing the Lord again, he opened his tiny hands and there erupted a mighty song of praise and worship that reverberated throughout heaven. The Lord smiled a little but again returned to His somber expression. The angel became desperate. He roamed the whole earth to and fro in search of what can make the Lord smile. Going back to the first church he came from, he heard a faint cry of anguish and pain. Curious, he swooped down to that church and there at the farthest and darkest corner of the church was a solitary man who was beating his breast and was full of tears. He was crying to God and was asking for forgiveness for all his sins as he bowed down to surrender his entire being to God. Suddenly a flash lighted up in the mind of the angel. He scooped the repentance and surrender of the sinful man and flew straight to heaven. When he opened his tiny hands in front of the Lord, the sob and cries of the repentant sinner reverberated throughout heaven and a wide smile broke out in the face of God as He wipes the tears in His eyes. He embraced the tiny angel as the whole heavenly host erupted in triumphant shouts of joy and singing.
Author Unknown
Note: I heard this story a long time ago and it lingered in the inner recesses of my mind. When the inspiration came from the Lord, I recreated that story to suit the heavenly purpose of God. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, God Smiled, Cherubim, Heaven, Outstanding Sermon, Pastor, Praise and Worship Song, Forgiveness, Repentance, Heavenly Host, Rejoicing In Heaven, Sinner, Born Again, Eternal Life, Amazing Grace, Love, Joy, Peace, Word of God, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla