"Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in
mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the
bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
by Ernest Hemingway
For Whom The Bells Toll
Just recently, one of the most popular action star in the Philippines died at the young age of 56 after battling cancer for two years. Previous to that, the King of Philippine movies died of cerebral stroke even though he was at the pink of his health. The list could go on and on. People with debilitating and dreaded diseases surviving their sicknesses and incredibly living on for an indefinite number of years while people who seemed to be relatively healthy, falling on the wayside.
Only God knows who will go and who will stay. The bells will toll for those they are intended to be tolled for. No amount of money or riches can buy an indefinite extension of one's life. Money may buy human organs to replace malfunctioning ones, but this will only add a few years to the buyer's life. In the end, he has to face the music and go with the ebb and flow of life. For what has been written and destined will be accomplished according to His divine plan. We can only bow our heads and accede to the fact that "for whom the bells toll, it tolls for thee." ARE WE PREPARED TO MEET OUR CREATOR?
Tags: Death, For Whom The Bells Toll, Ernest Hemingway, Uncertainty of Life, Inevitability of Death
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla