Holiness is one of the attributes of God. Not only ordinary holiness but pure and perfect holiness. Due to God's very nature, no creature can ever approach Him who is not holy. Any tinge of sin or unholiness will cause the creature to shrivel and die before the perfect holiness of the Lord. If this is so, no unholy person can be with God in heaven. But wait, nobody can be holy before the Lord, for we are all sinners and were born in the state of depravity because of the fall of our first parents. God, in His extreme wisdom and mercy, remedied this situation by sending His only begotten Son- Jesus Christ to earth to pay the full price for our sins. Jesus, the only perfect and sinless person born on earth, died on the cross and freed man from the curses of sin and eternal death. Thus, Jesus Christ opened wide the gates of heaven for mortal men to enter the blissful abode of God and His angels. The only price we have to pay to have this extremely rare privilege is to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior and surrender our lives to Him. Then our sins, which we have committed since birth, will be washed clean by the precious blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on Calvary. Not only that, Jesus righteousness and holiness will be imputed upon the born again person as the Holy Spirit will make His dwelling in his heart. As he walks in the ways of the Lord, he is transformed from glory to glory until he reach the whole measure of the fullness of Jesus Christ. Thus, he is qualified to be with the Lord forevermore.
Tags; God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Is The Lord, Holiness, Righteousness, Perfect Holiness, Sinners, State of Depravity, Born Again, Temple of The Holy Spirit, Redeemed By Jesus Blood, Salvation, Grace, Gospel, Word of God, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla