There will never be any miracle or success for those who are perennial doubters. Faith requires a believing heart and doubters do not have this. In this fast changing world and the ever increasing pace of society, where people cannot just trust anybody, it is always safe to doubt the motives of others. That's fine! But in terms of one's advancement in any aspect of one's life, a single iota of doubt in one's mind has already inflicted defeat in him even before he can get started. Many are those who say they believe in God and in His promises, but at the back of their minds, doubts linger. The Bible describes these people as unstable in mind who will accomplish nothing. Remember the whole Israelite people whom God led to freedom from Egypt? They wandered in the desert for forty years and all of them except Moses, Joshua and Caleb perished because of their unbelief as they doubted that God can deliver to them the Promise Land. Even if the various situations in our lives appear to contradict the promises of God, we must persist in our faith in His words and in His faithfulness to keep His promises and we must never doubt. Doubt is a negative trait inflicted by the enemy to those whose hearts are weak. It is the twin sister of fear that wrecks havoc to one's faith. But to the men and women of God, they hold fast to the promises of God for God is ever faithful and never lies.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Doubt, Antithesis of Faith, Miracle, Success, Perennial Doubters, Faith, Believing Heart, Fast Changing World, Ever Increasing Pace of Society, Motives, Advancement, Single Iota of Doubt, Unstable Minds, Israelites, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Promise Land, Negative Trait, Men and Women of God, Promises of God, God is Faithful, God Never Lies, Word of God, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla