This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
What kind of a person are you, proactive or reactive? Your answer to this question may unravel so much of your personality that may still be unknown to you. There are advantages and disadvantages on either side. A proactive person is normally a task oriented person. He is, more often than not, a perfectionist who takes pride in his work. He anticipates problems and devise ways to solve them long before they arise. He is the doer, the innovator, the trailblazer. He loves to take risks and will not hesitate to take chances on an unclear situation. But the greater the risk, the bigger the loss if the project fails.
The reactive person is normally a procrastinator. He dislike to take risk, that is why he, more often than not, just reacts to situations in his life. He is fearful of the unknown and would wait to see things settle clearly before he makes any decision especially major ones. He is a person who loves to find ways and means to evade or at least procrastinate doing a task at hand. He just do what is expected from him, no more no less. And if he can skirt doing a task, he will be more than glad to escape from it.
If we will compare these two types of personalities to chess players, the proactive person is the attacking player, full of derring do and innovative moves. He would analyze all the counter moves of his opponent and will find ways to thwart them. The reactive person is like a defensive type of a chess player who will just defend every attack delivered by the attacking player. NOW WHICH TYPE OF PERSON ARE YOU?
I have often wondered why God has allowed to make you suffer that much and inspite of that, you remain so true to Him, faithful up to the end. You make your life a shining testimony of how a sickly woman, with an equally sickly mother and brother living all by themselves in Canada, can carry on with your collective lives. How your body, wracked with lupus, fibromyalgia and that dreaded nerve disease they call suicide syndrome because majority of its sufferers tend to commit suicide because of the excruciating pain it brought to them, have been able to bear them all? It made me wonder how God can tolerate such suffering from a kindhearted soul who, inspite of your physical and financial woes, could still help others like me with the outstanding testimonials of your life in the love of the Lord.
But you are not alone. I am also suffering like you. My body is also wracked with all diseases and pains that I seemed to live just by faith alone. When I think of sis Emmyrose of Just Let Go, I know that there are countless Christians suffering terrible trials in their lives but still faithfully holding on to God's promises. All of us have our own "thorn in the flesh" just like Paul. God is also saying, "My grace is sufficient for you." For when we are weak then we are strong in the strength of ourGod. Often, people like Euroyankand Vest, good and honorable people themselves, have often asked me how I carry on with my faith and not with the wisdom of the world. This is our collective answer, as this was also the answer of the thousands of early Christians who were martyred in the early days of the church for professing their faith. WE ARE HOLDING ON TO THE PROMISE OF THE LORD THAT WHEN WE MEET HIM FACE TO FACE, HE WILL WIPE EVERY TEAR FROM OUR EYES AND HE WILL WELCOME US TO HIS HEAVENLY DWELLING WITH THE WORDS, "WELCOME MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANTS TO THE DWELLING OF MY FATHER AND YOUR FATHER."
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)