We may be poles apart in beliefs, customs and cultures
But let us not quarrel because we disagree
Instead, let us agree to disagree.
Many problems can be solved if only we see through
the eyes of our brother who disagree
But let us not quarrel because we disagree
Instead, let us agree to disagree.
What may be beautiful to you may be ugly to me
and vice versa
What may be edible to me may be poison to you
and vice versa
But let us not quarrel because we disagree
Instead, let us agree to disagree.
You may be fiery and tempestuous always wanting
to get your way
I may be placid and cold always seeking
peace and reconciliation.
Although we may disagree on so many points
Let us not quarrel because we disagree
Instead, let us agree to disagree.
There will always be individual differences
People will have their own points of view,
But if only we respect each others' differences
And dwell on what we can agree,
Then maybe less troubles will arise
Let us all agree to disagree.
Those Were The Days - Mary Hopkin (1968) - UK
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla