This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
There is now a feeling of widespread despair and discontent in the world. Somehow, things are not the same. Extremes prevail. It's either too hot or too cold. Even in the temperaments of people, extremes are evident. People have either gone too evil or too righteous. People are bewildered. They could not ascertain their true feelings. Somehow, they feel a hollowness deep inside, a sort of a personal discontent. What's happening to the world?
We are now witnessing the onset of the PreTribulation period of the world. No! This is not yet the Tribulation proper. The Tribulation proper will usher in so much suffering and pain that people will wish they were dead instead of living a hellish existence. Just like in the days of Noah before the deluge, people were enjoying themselves and giving themselves wholly to sinful living.
God is shaking the world to see who are His and who are of this world. There will be no fence sitters nor neutral watchers. Either you are for God or you are with the evil one. People are now afforded their last chance to turn a new leaf on their lives. The message of Calvary rings loud and clear for the whole world to hear. Will you accept the offer of salvation or will you be condemned together with the enemies of the cross?
The grace of salvation and eternal life are offered to us to accept or reject. Those who will not accept it will be condemned together with the lord of this world and his cohorts. The choice is ours. If the situation now is too heavy and burdensome, think of what will happen when the Tribulation proper comes. We can only weep until all tears are gone.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
To all my friends and readers who patronize this blog, may I refer you to my good friend-Shiela of Bluebirdy with url: I'm sorry if I still don't know how to make the proper linkage to her blog. Just copy her url and paste it on the search engine of the internet to access her blog.
She is suffering from an advanced case of lupus, fibromyaglia, diabetes and God knows how many more illnesses wracking her frail body right now. She's living with her very sick mother and an equally sick brother somewhere in Canada, and her husband is working somewhere in the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan unable to complete his papers to officially emigrate to Canada.
The condition of my dear friend is so volatile that she lives in extreme pain almost 24 hours a day. But she has to take care of her ailing mother because they are only three very sickly people in their house. There are so many times that she would pass out without her noticing it.
I enjoin you all, my friends and readers, to visit her blog and offer your expressions of love and support for her. I also enjoin you, my beloved friends, to offer your sincere prayers for her healing and also for her mother and brother too.
We are all one, united in love and harmony, and the pain of one is suffered by everybody. Let us all pray that she will believe that the Holy Spirit can effect that miraculous cure in her ailing body. Let streams of living water flow from our hearts and refresh her tired body and soul. Let us all become channels of God's blessings to comfort her and give her overflowing joy in her heart.
Happy Easter To All My Blogging Friends. God bless you all.
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)