Have you been unfairly and savagely criticized by others and your first reaction was to tear the person apart by venomous words pouring out of your mouth or pen? How many times have we reacted immediately to a disparaging remarks and dished out our own missile to our enemy? After that what happened? We did not only give the offending party justification for his unfair accusations but we overdo the reaction and feel guilty as hell afterwards. And that will be the start of a cold war between you and your detractor.
James said in James 3: 6, "The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." We must control the urge to speak out or write when we are angry, for we are ruled by unbridled emotions at that moment. Better to keep silent and put the offending party off guard. Imagine his consternation to elicit a different reaction from you. Silence speaks louder than so many hollow words. It speaks volumes of what could have been and is the best reaction to a savage attack. Instead of counter attacking, we just stand our ground without necessarily capitulating. The attacker is then exposed with all the negative implications of his actions. He is exposed as an impulsive person who shoots first then ask questions later. And believe you me, he will realize that he has placed his foot on his mouth and will feel terrible about it. So instead of engaging your enemy in a war of words, why not give him a dose of your eloquence of silence?
Notice: This article was not written to spite any person living or dead. Any similarity of this article to a factual experience in life is purely coincidental and means no harm to anyone. I apologize to anybody who might feel alluded to by this article. I love you all with the love of the Lord. God bless you all.
Tags: Silence, Eloquence, Criticism, Reactions, Remarks, Tongue, Control, Emotions, Volumes, Patience, Kindness, Charity, Love, Christian Charity
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla