This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
PARADIGM- THE CURSE OF FIRST IMPRESSION Paradigm is what people originally think about us. It is what people associate us with. It is the representative idea that is evoked in the minds of people that is readily associated with our name. Paradigm is practically the first impression that people associate us with. It is a built in reputation surrounding us and is very hard to erase in the minds of people. Even if we have already changed, we are still associated with a particular paradigm.
Those who have been truly born again and had a complete turnaround in character are particularly vulnerable to this kind of name association. A person who was known to be a drunkard, a womanizer and a heavy gambler, and who had a complete change in his life because of the power of the Holy Spirit, will have a hard time convincing people that he has really changed. The best thing for him to do is to stop convincing people about his miraculous change and just show them his transformed self.
Yes, it is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can completely change ourselves from our shameful past to our present glorious life. If only we could change our individual paradigms or the first impressions of people about us, that would be wonderful. Ah, but who cares. So long as we have already changed and are doing the will and purpose of God in our lives, that's all that counts.
Tags: Paradigm, First Impression, Holy Spirit, Glorious Life, Inspirational, Motivational, Uplifting, Feel Good
1. I love to write and blogging affords me the perfect venue to showcase my writing skills.
2. I meet new friends among fellow bloggers and this widens my perspective in life.
3. It is therapeutic. Blogging keeps me busy and occupied and I forget the pains in my body and the troubles in my mind.
4. I love to read the thoughts and feelings of other people as they post in their own blogs.
5. I feel that I can reach out to everybody, even to the farthest corners of the world.
6. I can witness effectively for the Lord. I know of no other venue that I can reach out to as many people as I can and to as wider areas that I can cover.
7. Blogging enables me to keep my mind sharper and working productively because I have to do regular postings on 4 blogs with 4 different topics and genre.
8. I can reach and have access to as many countries and places that I can never ever reach personally.
9. I increase my knowledge of the customs, government, traditions and cultures of other peoples and countries.
10. I learn to commiserate with the struggles of other peoples, knowing their pains and heartaches and praying for them. Blogging became an effective ministry for me to reach out to people who needs comfort, counseling, prayers and friendships.
Now I am tagging you all to do this tag and enumerate your ten reasons for blogging. After doing this, please copy the tag after this paragraph and add your name on the list of those who have done this. Please do this to increase traffic in our respective blogs and tag as many as you can.
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)