God is a God of testing. He tests those He wants to become His children and followers. We all undergo such testings from God. Our first parents were tested in Eden and they failed God's testing miserably. They were duped and deceived by the evil one who twisted God's words to make an enticing and tempting proposition to them. God warned them that if they eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, of Good and Evil, they will die. The evil one twisted God's words and assured them that they will not die but instead their eyes will be opened to the knowledge of good and evil and be like God themselves. They ate the fruit. Immediately their eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked and felt shame. But at the same time, God's words were accomplished in them. When they ate the forbidden fruit, their spirits, which were their direct link in fellowshipping with God, died and they lost their original birthright of being created in the image and likeness of God. It took God's great love and the sacrifice of the life of Jesus Christ to atone for man's sins and regained for mankind its lost birthright of being created in the image and likeness of God.
God tested all His beloved followers including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Isaiah, Daniel and even the disciples of Jesus. God is always testing us by permitting us to undergo predestined trials to see whether we will remain faithful to God by clinging to His promises to overcome such trials. If you are undergoing severe trials and carrying heavy burdens right now, take heart and be glad because God is putting you to the test. After you have overcome the test, God's blessings, strength and power will be bestowed upon you. If we are tested, that means God loves us so much He does not want to lose us.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Testing, Trial, Amazing Grace, God's Words, God's Promises, Deliverance, Blessings, Faithfulness, Persistence, Patience, Trust, Hope, Love, Joy, Peace, Power, Strength, Restoration
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla