This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
CHOICES The choices we make in our lives will determine what we will become. They are some sort of a crossroad where we choose whether to go to the left or to the right. First of all, we have to choose which will we will exercise. Is it our own personal will or the will of God? We have been trained and nurtured by worldly wisdom to learn to exercise our own will in everything that we do. As the poem goes, "I am the captain of my ship, I am the master of my soul." In the competitive world in which we live, it is the battle of wills of different individuals with different vested interests and persuasions. But the Bible says, we have to follow in and walk by the will of God. As the Lord's Prayer says, "let Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." That is the first choice we have to make.
The second choice we have to make in our lives is how we should live our lives. Shall we live by faith or shall we live by sight ( the senses)? We have our senses to use and we are so dependent on them. But in difficult and trying times, when our senses tell us of the impossibility of things, shall we not rely on our faith to carry us through? Remember, the Bible says that faith can move mountains. Those who hold on to the functions of their senses and those who exercise their own will are limited in the things they can accomplish. They cannot go beyond the possible. Not so with those who surrendered themselves to the sovereign will of God and have exercised their faith rather than their sight (senses). Nothing is impossible for them. They will experience out of this world possibilities. NOW WHICH OPTIONS WILL YOU CHOOSE?
Tags: All Things Are Possible With God, Divine Will, Personal Will, To Live By Faith Not By Sight, Miracles Do Happen For Those Who Believe
VOICES There are so many voices that compete for our attention. Which voice we will heed will determine the path that we will take on our journey through life. The earliest voices that we heard were those of our parents. Theirs were the voices that nurtured us in our formative years. Then, there were voices of tiny angels like us who dreamed and wondered with us when we were groping for answers for the unending questions of life. We have encountered the different voices of our teachers and mentors as they instilled in us the disciplines and idealism that helped shaped our formative years. Yes, theirs were the voices of our heroes of the past, the ones we placed in our pedestals. Then, there were the cacophonous voices that proliferated our world when we competed with other wannabes as we climbed the stairway of the corporate world. Those were the voices of intense rivalries, of backstabbing and rumor mongering, of idle talks and gossips, of dressing downs and praises for jobs well done. There were even sinister voices that led us astray, who promised pleasures galore, but led us to the decadence of our souls.
But there is one particular voice that we must heed and take to heart. That is the still small voice that whispers so softly in the stillness of the night when everything is so quiet. We can only hear it when we are at peace with ourselves and not agitated. It is the voice of God coursed through our consciences. Continuous disregard of that small soft voice will result in the hardening of our hearts and losing the ability to hear that still small voice. Which voice we follow will determine our destiny for eternity. SHALL WE HEARKEN TO LISTEN TO THAT STILL SMALL VOICE? Tags: God. Jesus Christ, Conscience, Still Small Voice, Voices
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)