Will you keep on trusting God even if you are already on the verge of death and your body is wracked with pains and your prayer for divine healing is left unanswered? Will you keep on trusting God even if the one thing your heart desires which you have cried out to the Lord for so long a time have not yet been granted? Will you keep on trusting God even if you feel that He is nowhere to be found in the lowest and darkest moments of your life? Will you? As we go on to the next higher step on our ascent to God's throne of grace, we sometimes have to undergo what mystic Christians call the dark night of the soul. It is the same situation experienced by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ while He was hanging and dying on the cross. The Father turned His face away from Him and He experienced the extreme loneliness of being alone and abandoned by His Father that was why He cried out, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Mark 15: 34b) This may well be the same cry uttered by all those who have experienced the dark night of the soul when they feel that God had abandoned them. But did God really abandon them? No, because He promised, "never will I leave you nor forsake you." And God is a true and faithful God and He never lies. Even if everything that is happening in our lives are contrary to God's promises, we must still hold on to them and continue to trust God, for after the apparent death of the soul comes the glorious resurrection of the glorified body. After the character God wants us to attain and the lessons God wants us to learn have been firmly established, we will experience the resurrection of our renewed self, strong and more resilient and more compassionate for the service of glorifying God in our lives. ALL WHO CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.
This post is dedicated to my blogging friends - Shiela (Bluebirdy) of Life- 4 Hours At A Time, sis Pia Go Olano of Pia's Journal and Amrita of Yesu Garden . Their continuous faith and trust in God in the midst of so many negative events in their lives serve as a dazzling light in the firmament of darkness in the world where they continue to give glory to God in the blogging world. God bless you more my dearest friends.
Addendum: Due to the comment of my good friend Bambie dear regarding a bit of crisis in her life, I am including here the video of Don Moen entitled God Will Make A Way with the reassurance to her that I will pray for the resolution of her bit of crisis. I humbly ask my dear readers to also pray for her intention. Thank you all. God bless us all.
God Will Make A Way - Don Moen
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Trusting God, Verge of Death, Wracked With Pains, Heart's Desire, Debilitating Diseases, Lowest and Darkest Moments of Your Life, Next Higher Spiritual Step, God's Throne of Grace, Dark Night of The Soul, Hanging and Dying on The Cross, Abandoned, Faithful and True, God Never Lies, Glorified Body, Resurrection, Resilient, More Compassionate, Shiela (Bluebirdy), Life- 4 Hours At A Time, Sis Pia Go Olano, Pia's Journal, Amrita, Yesu Garden, Dazzling Light, Darkness of The World, Glory to God, Internet, Gospel, Word of God, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla