Mothers are like little Christ. They are selfless and almost always practice self denial in giving the best for her family. You can find fault in any woman as a female, but as a mother, she is more often than not, faultless. There is no amount of sacrifice she will not endure to ensure the safety and wellbeing of her children. She is like a mother hen who will attack any creature in defense of her chicks. Truly, God has ingrained in the hearts of mothers a special trait that gives them the ability to adapt and sacrifice for the welfare of her family, especially her children. Mothers train their young, especially little girls, at an early age to prepare them for the uncertainties of the future.
In the squalid hovels of the poorest of the poor in Africa and Asia, mothers would often go hungry and sleep on an empty stomach just so she can give what little food is still left on the dinner table to her children. She would not mind working up to the wee hours of the morning just to give her children their next decent meal. Men may often sacrifice their family because of pride and adherence to principles. Not so with mothers. They will beg if they have to just so their children will survive.
In heaven, we will hear the best testimonies of living the principles of Christ among mothers. MOTHERS ARE THE BEST GIFT OF GOD TO THE WHOLE OF HIS CREATION.
Tags: Mothers, Gift of God, Crowning Glory, Creation, Selfless, Self Denial, Sacrifice, Children, Family, Little Girls, Uncertainties of the Future, Poorest of the Poor, Africa, Asia, Food, Dinner Table, Empty Stomach, Wee Hours of the Morning, Decent Meal, Pride, Adherence to Principles, Fathers, Survival, Heaven, Best Testimonies, Principles of Christ, Best Gift
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla