Do you have dragons in your mind that bedevils you? Do you have dragons that cause untold miseries in your lives? You have to identify these dragons and banish them away from your mind before they can cause irreparable damages and havoc to your life. Let us identify these dragons and what damages they have inflicted in our lives.
1. The Dragon of Bitterness- Have you been hurt before? Were you a victim of betrayal or backstabbing by your most trusted friend? Were you deserted by a loved one? Whatever pains these people may have caused you, this may leave a lingering spirit of bitterness in your heart. This will act like acid scarring your very soul and will cause you untold sufferings and sleepless nights. Learn to forgive and forget and banish this powerful dragon from your life. Then move on to a higher plane of existence and a more meaningful life.
2. The Dragon of Doubt and Fear - This dragon has caused many failures and sufferings in our lives. It prevented us from attaining our full potentials in life. Banish it from your life and see how the angel of success will replace it and assure victory in your life.
3. The Dragon of Covetousness - We covet what we do not have and so we hate the people who have it all. Banish this dragon from your life before you commit a crime against your fellowmen.
4. The Dragon of Arrogance and Pride - Pride caused the downfall of Lucifer from heaven. Pride caused the defeat of so many men. Banish this dragon from your mind and learn to be humble.
5. The Dragon of Lust - This dragon has caused many defeats and downfall to so many people- from Samson to Napoleon Bonaparte. Lust for anything is sinful. This dragon must be banished from your mind.
6. The Dragon of Avarice and Greed - Man is never satisfied. He wants more and more of everything. Let us banish this dragon from our mind and learn to live a simple and contented life.
There are so many other dragons that bedevil man's life. The important thing is, we identify them all and banish them from our minds. In their place, let us think of all the positive things that the Holy Spirit bring- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. We are the products of our thoughts. So let us think only pure, positive and pleasant thoughts and reap a life of success, joy, peace and contentment. NEVER LET THE DRAGON ENTER YOUR MIND.
Tags: Dragons, Bitterness, Doubt and Fear, Covetousness, Arrogance and Pride, Lust, Avarice and Greed, Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla