What we perceive with our five senses (touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste) are our physical reality. They compose everything that we perceive in this physical world. But there is another reality far higher and finer in existence than physical reality and that reality has a profounder effect in our lives more than we actually feel and acknowledge it. That reality is the spiritual reality. It is the heavenlies or the heavenly realms where the forces of good and evil clash and where there is a battle for the control of the minds of man. It is the reality where the promises of God contained in His words operate. If we know how to use this reality to our advantage then we can change our lives for the better. Take for example the promise of God for an abundant life in John 10:10a. Even if we see poverty and misery in our midst, we can always pray and thank God for our daily bread and for His divine providence in our lives. It will help a lot if we will picture in our minds the vividness of that abundance which is overflowing and satisfying. Or we can pray and thank God for our divine healing and see in our mind's eyes our actual physical healing. In due time, these prayers and mental imagings coupled with a steadfast faith (or extreme belief) in God's faithfulness will cause that spiritual reality to manifest into physical reality.
But beware, the heavenlies or heavenly realm is also the favorite haunting ground of Satan. This is where he deceives and manipulates the minds of people whose hearts are away from God. Satan is a master at lying and the bigger the lie, the sweeter are the come ons for man. One lie of Satan is: there is no God. Atheists succumb to this lie since they perceive God as a killjoy who is out to spoil their fun. Another lie is: there is no heaven or hell so enjoy your life the best way you can. Sensual persons or persons who indulge in the pursuit of sensual gratifications succumb to this lie. Another lie is: death is the end of one's existence. Those who commit suicides and end their lives through fanatical beliefs succumb to this lie.
Paul warnd us on this when he said, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authority, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12)
We must pray and claim God's promises in His words so that we can counteract all the wiles of the enemy. To get a foothold on the heavenly realms, "let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." (Hebrews 12:2a) Focus and claim God's providential promises and see your life change for the better.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Reality, Physical Reality, Senses, Existence, God's Words, God's Promises, Abundant Life, Bible, Prayer, Gratitude, Divine Healing, Heavenly Realm, Pursuit of Happiness, Struggles, Flesh and Blood
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla