There are so many mental, psychological, emotional and psychosomatic illnesses nowadays that science and doctors can't seem to cope up with the avalanche of these sicknesses. At the root cause of this problem is man's ignorance of the total constitution of man. We are living as though we are just a physical, mental and emotional creature with nary a thought about our composite being.
Man is tripartite in nature and the sooner we realize this, the better for us. Man's obvious nature is his physical nature where we are focusing almost all our attention to the detriment of our two other natures. But aside from our body, we also have two more important natures- the soul and the spirit. The soul is the animating principle of man. Without the soul, man is reduced into a mass of lifeless flesh and bones.
And the spirit is the divine principle of man. The spirit of man is the same creation that was created by God in His own image and likeness. But the big problem is, man's spirit is dead because of the original sin of our first parents at Eden. And so we function mainly as body and soul. And with these two vehicles, our inclination is to become spiritually evil and depraved. Until our spirit is brought to life by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we commit mistakes upon mistakes, blunders upon blunders, errors upon errors, and sins upon sins. And we stack up for ourselves the condemnations for all these sins.
We are like a mountain climber that climbs a mountain during peaks of "spiritual enlightenments" only to fall down at the first attack of worldly temptation. And after our fall, we become worse than when we first started our climb. Some of us try and try again until they develop spiritual fatigue. They climb and fall down, and climb again to fall down again, on and on, ad infinitum. Why? Because our spirit is dead and until our spirit is made alive and animated by the Holy Spirit, we will never ever succeed in climbing that holy mountain.
And so what do we do? We conclude that it is impossible to climb that holy mountain. We develop our own homegrown philosophies in life explaining the whys and wherefores of our failures to reach the summit of that mountain. So we say that we have so many lifetimes to reach that summit, there's no need to hurry. Let us just live this life the way we want it, anyway there are countless of lifetimes ahead of us. But is that the truth?
The Bible clearly states that, "it is appointed for man to die once and after that judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). God never lies. He is the repository of all truths. Whom shall we believe?
God gave man the ultimate solution to his problem. He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross and pay for all the penalties of our sins. Jesus death on the cross satisfied God's demand for justice. And so the door to heaven was opened to those who will enter it through Jesus Christ. By availing ourselves of the divine grace of God, we can enter God's kingdom by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and surrendering our lives to Him.
Then the Holy Spirit shall empower us and bring to life our long dead spirit. Now through the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus, we can climb the mountain of God up to the summit to meet our Father in heaven. The only solution to all our problems lies in the acceptance of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He is the only key, the only door and the only way to the kingdom of God.
Shall we begin our new climb to the holy mountain of God?
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla