As we partake of the sumptuous dinner on our table, as we exchange gifts and greetings with friends and loved ones, as we celebrate the yuletide holiday in some winter resort, as we make merry during this holiday season, let us pause for a moment to remember the Christmas Story. That Mary and Joseph had nowhere to spend their day while Mary was on the threshold of labor pains; that they were forced to stay in a humble stable and there on the manger, the new born Baby Jesus was lain; that angels heralded the triumphant birth of the Messiah-Son of God; that shepherds were the first to witness the Babe in the manger; and that three wise kings from the East visited the new born King to pay homage and obeisance and to present costly gifts.
The story still continues to this very day. As we partake of the sumptuous meal on our dinner table, millions are starving with nary a food to eat. As we exchange gifts and pleasantries with our loved ones, millions have no place to sleep nor clothes to wear. As we go to our favorite malls to shop and to our favorite winter resorts to enjoy the best of the holiday season, millions are shivering in fear and despair as the sounds of war reverberate in their ears. As we do our things on Christmas, let us pause for a moment to pray for the less privileged of our brothers. The Christmas Story has not ended, it has begun again in our hearts.
What Child Is This - Mercy Me
Tags: God , Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Christmas, Christmas Story, Nativity, What Child Is This, Emmanuel, Manger, Bethlehem, Israel, Joy To The World, Peace, Freedom, Prosperity, Love, Righteousness, Salvation, Eternal Life, Baby Jesus, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Born Again, Word of God, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla