This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
The Place: Megiddo- A vast plain in Saudia Arabia said to be the crossroad of those who travel from the east. It is also called Armageddon.
The Event: The last great battle for supremacy in the world. It is the mother of all battles.
The Protagonists: Jesus Christ and all the heavenly host and all the saints on earth on one side, and Satan and all his arch demons, deceivers, mockers, idolaters, atheists and all who do evil in this world on the other side.
From among the frontliners of the army of the Lord Jesus, a small cherub stands out. Unlike all the other angels, this cherub has different wings. Yes it is white like the others, but it is not made of feathers but rather, it is made of one piece very much like that of a bat. But he has the most holy appearance of all.
The Scene: As Satan with his millions upon millions of corrupted souls who seethed with anger and malice approached their enemies, he spotted the cherub from among the ranks of the front liners of the Lord. He recognized him and gave out a loud booming laughter. "Ha, ha,ha, ha, ha. Come here little imp. You don't belong there. You belong here in my army. Ha, ha, ha, ha!"
"No, I belong here in the army of my Lord Jesus Christ and I am determined to fight to death." Replied the little cherub. "Have you forgotten how I send you to wreak havoc among men, O you of short memory?" Satan boomed in the tense atmosphere at the front line.
The cherub thought back. Yes, I remember the time when I came to help a little child at the edge of a precipice. He was crying and calling out the names of his parents. I remember that I came to him and tried to comfort him. I was already holding his hands to save him when he suddenly lost his grip on my hands and plunged to his death. Oh, how I cried because of that.
"No, you have not seen everything. As you were holding the hands of that child, I sent another demon to help you. He was the ugliest and most frightening of all. When the child saw him, he panicked and lost his grip on you. That's why he fell to his death. Ha, ha, ha, ha! Now come here little imp so that the battle can begin." Boomed Satan.
The little cherub looked at his Lord Jesus and asked what he must do. The Lord Jesus told him that it's all up to him where he wanted to fight. And the cherub straightened up with all the strength he could muster and shouted to Satan at the top of his voice. "Here will I stand with my Lord Jesus Christ. I cast my lot with Him and if I die, I will die in glory in the company of my Lord." He defiantly shouted at Satan.
At this, Satan became so furious that he ordered his vast army to attack the heavenly host and the saints.
At the first exchange of battle, Satan dealt the little cherub a mortal blow and the little cherub fell at the wayside dying from a grievous wound. Oh, the battle raged on in pitch savagery as the superior army of Satan marched on defiantly in the vast field of Megiddo. He sniffed the air and was so confident of final victory as he egged his vast army of evildoers to finish the job.
Just as victory was within the grasp of Satan, the heavens suddenly opened up and a hail of fire and brimstones rained down from heaven. All the remaining army of the Lord Jesus was swept aside to a safe place and the vast horde of Satan's impregnable army crumbled under the deluge of rain of fire from heaven. Oh, the screaming and cursing was deafening as the evil ones died one after the other.
Finally, all was quiet at Megiddo. And all that was left was the army of the Lord Jesus Christ. So great was the casualty on both sides but more so with Satan. They were annihilated all and were thrown to the Lake of Fire, there to suffer eternal punishment forever and ever.
As the army of the Lord surveyed the dying, they saw the little cherub splashed on the pavement, breathing heavily because of the mortal wound.
The Lord Jesus reached out to get a leaf from the Tree of Life and water from the River of Life. He washed and cleansed the wound of the little cherub and bandaged it with the leaf from the Tree of Life. Suddenly, a beacon of light shone from heaven and illuminated the little cherub. Immediately, he stood up and wonders of wonders, he now has wings of feathers just like the other angels. He lives to tell this story to everyone.
The whole army of the Lord Jesus Christ roared with one voice of joy and resounding delight at this miracle. And they marched on from the plains of Megiddo (Armageddon) to the heavenly dwelling place of God.
Epilogue: The Lord is coming back very soon. Are you prepared to meet Him? When He comes back, will He find us faithful?
Footnote: This short story was written by the author through the inspiration of my wonderful friendSameera of India who has been my source of inspiration for the wonderful and exquisite short stories she has written in her blog. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Mel Avila AlarillaCopyright@Manila, Philippines
A HEART THAT IS FULL OF GRATITUDE AND THANKSGIVING TO GOD A heart that is full of gratitude and thanksgiving to God for what He has done to our lives is a heart that is beating with love and compassion for his fellowmen. There are so many things we ought to be thankful for to God in our lives. Though we may not be in the best situation in this world, we are not in the worst either. Do you not know that we are perfectly what God intended us to be? And we are exactly where God intended us to be, no more no less. Or do you think God is capable of committing a mistake?
Instead of brooding over our fate and asking God why we were made this way, are we not supposed to thank Him for making us the marvelous creation that we really are? The Book of Psalms says, we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. And that is not an overstatement.
Science has discovered the fact that man, especially the human brain, is the most complex and fantastic creation in all the universe. No machine that can be invented by man can ever duplicate the wonderful creation that man is. Man is like a miniature universe that functions in clockwise precision and beauty that it can never be simulated by science. The capacity and latent ability of the mind of man is mind boggling.
Scientists say that an average man is using only less than 10% of the capacity of his mind. With this less than 10% usage of man's capability, we are already astounded by the fantastic feats of the human mind. Just imagine what man can achieve if he can learn to harness and tap the other latent 90% capability of his mind.
We were created by God in His own image and likeness and was given the authority to subjugate the world. We can be the near perfect overseer of this world as God has originally intended us to be. We just have to learn to be totally obedient and subservient to His divine will and not intransigently impose our own puny and imperfect will. Let us learn to trust God once more and cultivate the culture of gratitude and thanksgiving in our hearts. Let us learn to obey His commands and follow His divine will in our lives. Then we can see the realization of all His wonderful promises in our lives.
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla Philippines Spiritual/Inspirational
There's so much darkness in this world. Darkness, because men refuse to see the true light of the world. They prefer the bogus lights that dazzled their eyes to sensual pleasures and the pursuit of the so called happiness in this world. Jesus Christ warned men about this counterfeit light when He said, "If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness." (Matthew 6:23b)
Jesus further adds, "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Every one who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." (John 3:19-21)
People who lives in darkness hate people who has the light. They call them "holier than thou." Why? Because men love darkness and they shun the light lest their evil deeds will be so exposed.
It is really sad to note that many people say they believe in God, but they maintain their own home grown philosophies in life to explain their bizarre behaviors. They say they know that there is a God and stop there. Why? Because they want to enjoy life to the fullest. God is seen as a killjoy out to sabotage man's pursuit of happiness and pleasures in life. They want to have their cake and eat it too.
To stifle the heavy feeling of guilt in their hearts, they will do good deeds to offset the sinful deeds they have done. They believe that their good karma will offset the evil deeds that they had done. But could they?
Many think that God is the perfect accountant that will weigh the good deeds of men as against their evil deeds. Whatever balance there will be, will determine where a person goes in the afterlife. But that is farthest from the truth. If man can really save himself through his own good deeds, why then did the Father have to send His only begotten Son to suffer an excruciating death on the cross just to save mankind? He could have given men prescriptions on how to save themselves.
And who or what is the light of the world? Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." (John 8:12) Let us turn to Jesus Christ, the true light of the world, before our own light flickers out and we plunged into total darkness.
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla Philippines Spiritual/Inspirational
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)