This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Filipinos Sing To The World (Series # 2)
Tell Me- Composed by Louie Ocampo Sung by Joey Albert (1980s) Philippines
Anak - Sung and Composed by Freddie Aguilar (1970s) Philippines
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Light Of The World, Salt Of The Earth

God admonished us to become the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Why? Because there's so much darkness in this world that people are groping for the true light that will illuminate their perilous paths through life. Man's life has been so drab and tasteless that God needs people to become the salt of the earth to give flavor to an otherwise tasteless existence of mankind. Man has lost his true perspective in life. Man has associated himself with worldly pursuits in life where everybody else wants to get ahead and to be on top at the expense of others. It does not matter whether he steps on the lives of so many people just so he can reach the summit of success, fame and fortune. But once he reaches the top, man realizes that it is so lonely up there, bereft of the true happiness and contentment in life.
Yes, God needs more people to become a light of the world and a salt of the earth. Would you rather be included in the Guinness Book of World Records or in God's Book of Life? Think about it, my friend.
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Oops, Our Computer Is Out Of Order
Oops, our computer is out of order. I think it's a major one since it is the hardware that is out of order. Because of this, I declare a semi blog holiday for this blog. I ask my wonderful readers to bear with me since I'm just using an internet cafe and it's not very comfortable here. I will be hardly visiting your blog and if I could not post comments, please forgive me. I will still continue blogging but on a very limited scale only. Please bear with me in this temporary situation. I love you all with the love of the Lord. God bless you all with your loved ones.
Yours in Christ,
Mel Avila Alarilla
Yours in Christ,
Mel Avila Alarilla
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Humility - A Trait Of A True Child Of God
Of all the traits that God so admires in man, humility tops them all. This is in accordance to what God said in Isaiah 66:2b, "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." In fact, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." (James 4:6b)
Why? Because God is Himself meek and humble in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus loved children and He admonished men to be like little children if they desire to enter the kingdom of God.
The almost super human strength, the tall stature and the muscular physique of the proud and arrogant Goliath, who taunted God and the whole army of Israel in the Book of 1st Samuel, were no match for the humble and Spirit indwelt David. He defeated and killed Goliath by a single stone fired in his puny slingshot.
David's reign in Israel was characterized by his humility, honesty and faithfulness in the face of God. When confronted by the prophet Nathan about his sin of adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband Uriah, he readily admitted his grievous sin and immediately sought forgiveness from the Lord.
Another example of forgiveness and restitution of rights given back to a returning and humble sinner is the case of the Prodigal Son in the Book of Luke. After getting his entire inheritance from his father, and after squandering it all in profligate and wanton living, he became so destitute and hungry as he sought a job feeding pigs.
Realizing his grievous sin and humbling himself, he decided to return to the house of his father to seek employment as a mere hired man. He was yet a long way off from their house when his father saw him and ran after him and embraced him. Seeing that the prodigal son was repentant and humble, he fully restored to him all his lost privileges as a son.
So it is with us. No matter how sinful we may have become, no matter how wretched our conditions maybe, if we humble ourselves before God, and seek His divine forgiveness by believing in Jesus Christ, divine forgiveness and complete spiritual restitution will immediately be given to us.
This is the grace of God and it is not contingent on our own worthiness before Him or what accomplishments we may have achieved. It is solely contingent upon the amazing grace of God as we humble ourselves before Him and ask forgiveness by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Those who were proud, stood on their own two feet in complete defiance of God and who rebelled against His authority, were severely punished and brought down humiliatingly on their knees.
But those who were humble of heart, and sought the Lord's guidance and protection after forgiveness were granted to them, were assured by God to enjoy a blissful life with Him in Paradise.
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla
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