When I was not yet a born again Christian, I was fascinated then with the New Age group doctrines especially on affirmations. I believed then, as I still believe now, that the secret to do miraculous things was to unlock the powers of the subconscious mind. The only difference between my beliefs then and now was the very person that was elevated into the position of power. In my beliefs then, the I or ego was the center of my existence and all powers emanated from within. Whereas now, God is the center of my existence and all powers emanate from Him. Oh yes, I believed then that there was a God but everything was achieved through personal efforts and achievements. Some examples of my personal affirmations then were:
1. What the mind can conceived, man can achieved.
2. My mind and body are perfect. The forces of aging have no power over me. I am ageless. I am the master of my soul.
3. I am the captain of my ship, I am the master of my soul.
When I became born again in the year 2000, I discarded all the learning I gained from a lifetime of studies and search for the truth and just concentrated on the Bible and other Christian books. I enrolled in an International Bible College and immersed myself into the doctrines of the Christian beliefs. I now realize that I got more miracles in holding on to the promises of God than in those fine sounding affirmations that elevated only the self instead of God. Now, God is the center of my life and everything in it revolves around Him. Instead of affirmations, I hold on to the many promises of God to tide me over in these perilous times. I live and die by the grace of God. ALL WHO CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Affirmations, New Age Group, Doctrines, Born Again Christian, Subconcious Mind, Beliefs, Ego, Center of My Existence, Promises of God, Lifetime of Studies, Search For Truth, International Bible College, Word of God, Gospel, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla