TOLERANCE (A Virtue As Rare As Diamond)
Tolerance means patience and understanding and knowing that people have individual differences. Tolerance is putting ourselves in the shoes of the other person and always giving him the benefit of the doubt. Tolerance has many enemies- impatience, bitterness, egoism, hatred, bigotry, antagonism, cynicism and many more. It has few friends. Among them are: love, patience and perseverance.
Whenever you feel that you cannot tolerate a person or a group of persons, reverse your thinking processes. Did it ever occur to you that that person or group of persons, cannot also tolerate you? Maybe the problem is with you and not with them. We cannot change other people but we can always change ourselves.
Next time that you feel that you cannot tolerate a person or a situation, try to redirect your focus on your own thoughts and emotions. You may just be mad at yourself for your failures in life and may just be seeing a reflection of yourself in them. Let us rid ourselves of our own blind spots. Then we will see ourselves as others see us.
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla