Have you ever been so financially short in your life that you worried about where you will get your next meal? Do you find it harder and harder to make both ends meet? Do you always find yourself always in debt and your expenses always outstrip your earnings? Do you sometimes feel like your pocket has holes in it and that money is so easily lost? Have you worked yourself to death only to find out you still have no security for your future? Stop for a moment and survey your life, your thoughts and your philosophies in life. We must first accept that money will never be enough. As long as we are slaves to our cravings for material things, then we will always be short of everything. We must first take stock of ourselves, what we can do, the talents we have, what we are good at, the connections we have, the opportunities on hand and how we value money in our lives.
The Lord said that by the sweat of our brows shall we live. That means all must work to earn a decent living. Paul said in the Bible that, "those who do not work will not eat." So God taught us the value of hard work and honest living. But He also taught us to pray for our daily bread. He did not say for our weekly, monthly or yearly bread because God wants us to focus on our immediate needs and entrust the future to Him. To those who worry about what they shall eat or what clothes they should wear, He told them that the birds in the air neither sow nor reap yet your heavenly Father feeds them in time. And the lilies of the field neither spin nor weave yet not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed like them.
We must acknowledge first that every good thing comes from God and God will always help those who help themselves. We must live simple lives always contented with what we have and always expectant of the very best from our heavenly Father. He said, we must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things else will be added to us. We must first enrich ourselves with heavenly treasures before we strive for worldly treasures. Those who seek only the riches of the world at the expense of their soul will find death so terrifying because they are so bankrupt of the riches of heaven. Trust the Lord and His divine providence. "BUT MY GOD WILL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY BY CHRIST JESUS." (Philippians 4:19)
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Divine Providence, Trust in The Lord, Heavenly Riches
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla