We are in different stages in the development of our character and spirituality in our quest to be with our Lord. Ever wondered why, in spite of all our efforts to do the will of God in our lives, and in spite of the joy and pleasure the presence of God brings to our lives, we are not spared from tremendous trials and burdens from the Lord? Why? Do you sometimes experience that numbing feeling that the Lord may not be faithful after all in keeping all His promises? No! That is farthest from the truth. The Lord is faithful to all His promises and He never lies. But why have we not obtained yet the realization of certain promises that we continually claim, like complete healing or the granting of our heart's desires? Why? Because God wants us to take the next higher spiritual step in our ascent to His throne of grace. If the Lord required us to make a leap of faith in some projects or ministry where He directed us before, now He wants us to take the next higher spiritual step up the ladder of spiritual development to His throne of grace. Jacob was shown a vision of angels ascending and descending the ladder between heaven and earth. And that is what the Lord wants us to do. He wants us to make the next higher step in the spiritual ladder that connects heaven and earth and commune with Him in His heavenly abode. Before we can descend that ladder to be a guiding light in the darkness of the world, we have to ascend first God's spiritual stairway to heaven . In the meantime, we have to discard all icons and idols that stand in the way of our complete and perfect relationship with God. Remember, our God is a jealous God and will never countenance any rival to the throne embedded in our hearts and minds.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Next Higher Step, Throne of Grace, Development of Character, Spirituality, Will of God, Presence of God, Trials and Burdens, Faithful, God's Promises, Complete Healing, Heart's Desire, Leap of Faith, Ministry, Spiritual Development, Jacob, Ascending and Descending, Heaven and Earth, Commune With God, Guiding Light, Jealous God, Gospel, Word of God, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla