These are the signs of the times. There is global warming and the weather of the world becomes very erratic. Strong typhoons, devastating hurricanes, cyclones and massive snowstorms have wrought havoc to many countries causing so much destruction to lives and properties. It's either extreme heat or extreme cold. The polar caps are melting and soon low lying islands will start to submerged in water. We have now seen the beginning of the collapse of the world economy on a scale never seen before. Not even a package of $ 700 billion from Washington could stem the tide of world wide recession and panic selling of stocks and properties. Values of world currencies are on a tailspin. Big and prestigious companies have collapsed or have declared bankruptcies. Governments have to shore up the financial images of big banks or there will be massive bank runs. There are ever present dangers of terrorist attacks that have produced horrible sufferings from innocent civilians and bystanders. There are prevailing presence of so many exotic and dreaded diseases that are incurable and extremely painful to the sufferers. Earthquakes and massive tidal waves or tsunamis have claimed the lives of so many people. There is widespread apostasy in the world where personality cults abound. There is evil and moral degeneration in mainstream society as if sinning and wanton living are the mode of the times.
Are these signs of the times not a portent of things to come?
Tags: Signs of the Times, Portent, Global Warming, Global Financial Crisis, Depression, Recession, Terrorism, Exotic Diseases, Apostasy
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla