The lifestyle of the now generation is fraught with so much danger and peril. The sedentary lifestyle of most people are such that there are no more room for balanced exercises. Thus, they eat a lot, sit and relax most of the time in front of the computer, TV, video game machine, DVD, or their ipod or MP4 players. Thus, they consume so much food but let them stay in their bodies and they become so lethargic and dull due to lack of exercise. And to compensate for their feeling of heaviness and lethargy, they drink a lot of energy drinks or even indulge in mind awakening drugs such as shabu, cocaine or marijuana.
Have we ever wondered why there are so many obese people especially in rich and developed nations? It is because they have so much of everything, and as everything in nature, excess of anything can kill. The remedy to this is the old fashioned style of exercising to relax our body and to replenish the stale air in our lungs. But most people are averse to exercising outdoors. They have their usual litanies of excuses.
If you cannot or do not want to go outside, then you can exercie inside. You can do stationary jogging for one hour. Or you can sweat it out in your own room by dancing your way to your favorite disco music. Be sure to close all the windows and shut off the air conitioner and voila, you have your own sauna room where you can exercise and sweat off your excess poundages. It is not only good for the heart and lungs but good for the bones too. Our bones absorb the calcium that we take in through exercise.
So you want a healthy body? Exercise your way to a better health and a younger, more self confident you.
Tags: Exercise, Physical Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, Younger, Self Confident
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla