The reason why our resolve to withstand temptations and the allures of the flesh always fails is because we identify with the wrong self. We always identify with our physical, emotional or mental bodies that is why we succumb to the overpowering onslaught of temptations. We say we are angry or we are sad when in fact it is our emotional body who is angry or sad. Or we say we feel weak or sick when in fact it is our physical body who feels this way. Or we are easily offended when others criticize us when it is our mental body and our pride that are offended. We are prisoners of our own cravings, desires and covetousness for things that seem good to the senses and the mind. We always desire things and we consummate these desires in our imaginations. Sometimes these imaginations become virtual obsessions which may lead to uncontrollable immoral or even criminal acts.
What the Bible means when it says that man was created in the image and likeness of God was that man as spirit is similar to God. Remember God is Spirit and if man was likened to God, the likeness is with man as spirit and not man as physical, emotional or mental bodies. The physical bodies that we so pamper now will someday rot and decay after we die. Not so with our spirit. It will soar to greater heights, to the dimension it is intended to dwell on after our physical death.
When the Lord returns and all creatures living and dead are called forth to account for what they did while still alive, the bodies that will resurrect will be glorified bodies who will no longer be limited by time and space. Those who have accepted Christ as Lord and savior and have walked faithfully in the will of God will be rewarded with eternal life in the presence of the Lord. Those who rejected Christ (or who have not accepted Him) and who lived sinful and unrepentant lives will be condemned to eternal death together with Satan and his cohorts. It is for us to choose whom we will serve- Jesus Christ or the lord of the world-Satan.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, True Self, Spirit, Physical Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Temptations, Allures of the Flesh, Resurrection, Glorified Body, Lord and Savior, Sinful Unrepentant Lives, Lord of the World
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla